I m still using Subsonic 2 for a few of my projects. Wanting to hack it a little. I ve got the latest pull from the GIT repo, I m using VS2008 Pro.
Looking in the SubSonic.Test project, the mbUnit dll referenced has a description of MbUnit.Framework 2.4.197 , though the file version is 1.0.2700.29885 . So I assume we re working with mbUnit 2.4.
I can compile the project fine, but I can t get Gallio to recognise the tests in SubSonic.TestsinDebugSubSonic.Tests.dll It just comes up with no tests found .
I have spent several hours trying to find docco on the net for this scenario, but there s not really any. I m also not keen on modifying the existing project as it gets further out of step with the GIT origin. I have pasted the magic GUIDS into the test project file.
TestDriven.Net does this:
------ Test started: Assembly: SubSonic.Tests.dll ------
Gallio TestDriven.Net Runner - Version 3.1 build 397
Test Files:
Start time: 5:02 PM
Verifying test files.
Initializing the test runner.
Running the tests.
Disposing the test runner.
Stop time: 5:02 PM (Total execution time: 1.752 seconds)
Test Report: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/User/Local%20Settings/Temp/Gallio/TDNetRunner/Report/SubSonic.Tests.dll.html
** NO TESTS WERE RUN (No tests found) **
I can see this is using Gallio again; surely I don t need to uninstall Gallio ?! I m using it with mbUnit for my current projects, which work just fine.
Two years ago I had these unit test purring like a kitten, but I can t remember for the life of me how I was doing it. It s now a version of VS later now and I would likely have lost the config in the upgrade. I m hoping to find someone out there who has the SubSonic v2.1 unit testing working and ask: how are you running the tests ?
Edit: I contacted Rob Conery in the end and he confirmed (with some dismay) that TD .NET is no longer running the mbUnit 1 tests. He thinks around td.net 1.3 was used when SubSonic 2 was in active development, but I can t find any historical downloads of that version.
That leaves resharper, which I haven t tested.
If I decide to upgrade the test framework to mbUnit 3, then I ll post it to GutHub.
Thanks Yann for comments - I ve selected you as answerer.
UPDATE: Subsonic 2 Github sources were upgraded to mbUnit 3 around june 2011