I have a flink job deployed on a local kind cluster, it saves checkpoints to AWS S3.
The following error kept occurring in job manager log at the initial stage:
2023-07-07 19:33:48,657 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.checkpoint.CheckpointFailureManager [] - Failed to trigger checkpoint for job 1ff112ff1bdf5c91c6e88f4112ecaf25 since Checkpoint triggering task Source: App Event Source (1/1) of job **** is not being executed at the moment. Aborting checkpoint. Failure reason: Not all required tasks are currently running..
but it disappeared, and checkpoint started working normally after these two logs:
"2023-07-07 18:23:03,819 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionGraph [] - Source: App Event Source (1/1) (****) switched from INITIALIZING to RUNNING."
"2023-07-07 18:23:04,719 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionGraph [] - Audit filter -> App Transform -> App Event Sink: Writer -> App Event Sink: Committer (1/1) (*****) switched from INITIALIZING to RUNNING."
Is there a way to fix this?