English 中文(简体)
2. 在另一日期范围内选择有日期范围的分行
原标题:Select rows with date range within another date range

我有一个账户表,有专栏,用于起始日期和结束日期。 我希望用户提供起始日期和结束日期,如果账户在规定的开端日期和结束日期之间随时活跃,则所有数据必须退还。


The account must be selected if it was open at any time between the user specified range which means that even accounts that were opened or closed between the range must be included.


https://i.stack.imgur.com/Gtqu5.gif” alt=“alt text”/>

黄色部分是用户进入的日期范围。 绿色部分是我所希望选择的内容。 小规模红 part是我不想选择的东西。 G、H和I的末端arrow指这些账户没有结束日期。 没有任何arrow子的所有其他人都有结束日期。



    account.start_date < @user_end_date and
    (account.end_date >= @user_start_date or account.end_date is null)
    (start_date >= :user_supplied_start AND start_date <= :user_supplied_end)
    (end_date >= :user_supplied_end AND end_date <= :user_supplied_start)
    (start_date <= :user_supplied_start AND end_date IS NULL) 
FROM    accounts
WHERE   start_date <= @input_end_date
        AND (end_date >= @input_start_date OR (end_date IS NULL AND NOW() >= @input_start_date))

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