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原标题:How to close a facebook SDK dialog opened with FB.ui()?

我成功地展示了一位应邀的朋友方言(以下编码)。 当用户点击微镜时,iframe/dialog显示新页面。 然而,从这一点来看,我无法找到一种办法,来关闭iframe/dialog。 FB.ui don t 回去任何物体,似乎有Javascript SDK方法,而与OMM的 trav和操纵将陷入任何FB代码的变化。


function popupInviteForm(actionUrl) {
    var fbmlString =  <fb:fbml>  +
                  <fb:request-form type="POST" content="Play against me in game?" action="  + actionUrl +  " method="post" >  +
                      <fb:multi-friend-selector target="_self" exclude_ids="" max="20" cols="4" rows="3" showborder="false" actiontext="Invite friends!" />  +
                  </fb:request-form>  +
               </fb:fbml> ;

        method:  fbml.dialog ,
        fbml: fbmlString,
        display:  dialog ,
        size: {width:640,height:480}, width:640, height:480

    $(".FB_UI_Dialog").css( width , $(window).width()*0.8);

(说明:我在facebook Forum上刊登了同样的问题,但没有答复。 如果对两者都有一个答案,我将更新这两份文件。

The Javascript Code was amended from apinack overflow answer


I have same trouble. Second day looking for a solution. And just found one way: for closing active FB dialog you should perform followed code in parent window where FB JS is available and where FB.ui was called:



1) Set target attr of and as "_self":


2) create some callback url/page on your site, for example https://mysite/close_dialog.html

3) 采取 action行动:


4) 在你本人的近亲中,遵循了联合材料:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        if (document.location.protocol ==  https: ) {
            document.location =  http://mysite/close_dialog.html ;
        } else {


5) There is one issue else in this way: FB iframe loaded by https, but if request-form action attr uses http - user will get browser warning. But if request-form action has https - iframe js cant access to parent loaded by http . So, its the reason why you should use action by https


If you has better solution or you can improve this way - please let all know this, Thanks for any comments


我所说的只是“javascript 窗户”,而不是上层:window.FB.Dialog.remove(top.window.FB.Dialog._active);而且它运作良好。

<script type="text/javascript">
    if (document.location.protocol ==  https: ) {
        document.location =  http://mysite/close_dialog.html ;
    } else {
        //alert( some message );


    method:  .......... ,
  function(response) {
    //write your code here


i 发现Igor Reshetnikov的回答的确奏效,但只有我确信能够宣布这两页——打开方言和关闭方言——作为使用文件同一领域的一部分。 领域。 因此,在两页的文字标签顶端,你必须添加这一条线。

document.domain =  mysite.com ;


这结束了所有方言,但可能由于内部变量<代码>_loadedNodes 而不能使用未来释放。

if (FB && FB.UIServer && FB.UIServer._loadedNodes) {
  var nodes = FB.UIServer._loadedNodes;
  if (nodes) {
    for (var item in nodes) {
      if (nodes[item].type && nodes[item].node && nodes[item].node.close &&
 nodes[item].type === "popup") {

FWIW,我的浏览器的隐私假想阻止FB关闭方言。 我刚刚放弃了隐私假肢和方言。

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