English 中文(简体)
  • 时间:2009-04-20 13:22:28
  •  标签:

Let s say I have a class Person, with a string[] nickNames, where Person can have 0 or more nicknames stored. I want to create an asp.net page where a user can go and add/edit/delete nicknames.
Question is- how to i persist the Person object between postbacks? I query the DB and create the object then display it on a form, but then the user has the option to edit/delete fields of that object.. once the page is displayed with the fields of Person, how do I update that object with the changes the user made, to store to db?




Depending on your implementation, and whether you re coding this all by hand or using the built in DataSource/DataAdapter controls, theres a bunch of ways to do it.

You could have a look at some basic ASP.NET/ADO.NET Tutorials to point you in the right direction

将此翻译成中文:http://aspnet101.com/aspnet101/tutorials.aspx?id=17。 http://aspnet101.com/aspnet101/tutorials.aspx?id=17

再次查询该对象(您可以将其存储在会话变量中,但缩放不好),在 postback 上收集并应用用户的更改。
