English 中文(简体)
CMBuffer QueueCreate所需要的参数是什么?
原标题:What are the required parameters for CMBufferQueueCreate?

rel=“nofollow” 阅读文件关于SDK,其中说,getDuration和版本是需要的,所有其他呼吁可以是NUL。


CFAllocatorRef allocator;
CMBufferCallbacks *callbacks;
callbacks = malloc(sizeof(CMBufferCallbacks));
callbacks->version = 0;
callbacks->getDuration = timeCallback;
callbacks->refcon = NULL;
callbacks->getDecodeTimeStamp = NULL;
callbacks->getPresentationTimeStamp = NULL;
callbacks->isDataReady = NULL;
callbacks->compare = NULL;
callbacks->dataBecameReadyNotification = NULL;

CMItemCount capacity = 4;

OSStatus s = CMBufferQueueCreate(allocator, capacity, callbacks, queue);

NSLog(@"QUEUE: %x", queue);
NSLog(@"STATUS: %i", s);

时间 反馈:

CMTime timeCallback(CMBufferRef buf, void *refcon){
    return CMTimeMake(1, 1);

and queue is:

CMBufferQueueRef* queue;


kCMBufferQueueError_RequiredParameterMissing = -12761,

<编码>查询<>代码/代码>变量正确初步化,至少 de字表示。

Has anybody used the CMBufferQueue?


假设这些参数没有任何错误。 至少与你在CMBuffer Queue.h中就所需参数所说的话相同。 但它认为,你是作为CMBuffer QueueRef* 参数的倒置者。 我对你的样本进行了如下更新,似乎创造了电文。

CMBufferQueueRef queue;
CFAllocatorRef allocator = kCFAllocatorDefault;
CMBufferCallbacks *callbacks;
callbacks = malloc(sizeof(CMBufferCallbacks));
callbacks->version = 0;
callbacks->getDuration = timeCallback;
callbacks->refcon = NULL;
callbacks->getDecodeTimeStamp = NULL;
callbacks->getPresentationTimeStamp = NULL;
callbacks->isDataReady = NULL;
callbacks->compare = NULL;
callbacks->dataBecameReadyNotification = NULL;

CMItemCount capacity = 4;

OSStatus s = CMBufferQueueCreate(allocator, capacity, callbacks, &queue);

NSLog(@"QUEUE: %x", queue);
NSLog(@"STATUS: %i", s);



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