English 中文(简体)
Status code of 426 is returned instead of 200 when getting a simple endpoint from an Express app (in localhost) using Karate

I have written a simple Express app. I am trying out Karate for API Testing, when I try to get a certain endpoint (literally GET) im expecting a response of status code 200 and the json test data for that endpoint. However, I am getting a 426 instead.

Here is the karate feature file

Feature: Test 

    * url  http://localhost:3000 

  Scenario: Read users
    Given path  users 
    And header Upgrade =  HTTP/1.0 
    And header Connection =  Upgrade 
    And header Accept =  application/json 
    And header Accept-Encoding =  gzip, deflate 
    And header Connection =  keep-alive 
    When method get
    Then status 200

    * print response
    * print response.headers

I only have one dependency in pom.xml:


The express app:

const port = 3000

    var testData = [
              "name": "John Mayer",
              "info": {
               "title": "Mr.",
               "age": "35",
               "phone": "23423423-23423",
                "email": "jmayer@test.com"
    app.listen(port, () => {
        console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`)
    app.get( /users , (req, res) => {

When I try this with Postman I get a 200 and the expected json test data.

I tried adding the Upgrade and Connection headers in the Karate feature too but I m still getting a 426 status code.



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