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原标题:How to automatically insert a space after every comma in a textbox using JQuery?

I trying to write a script using jQuery, it is suppose to automatically put a space after every comma "," in order to separate a sequence of numbers that user input in an input field. e.g. if they enter (45,68,95,23) it becomes (45, 68, 95, 23) when the user moves away from the input field.


$("#test").blur(function() { 
    if(this.value.indexOf(",") !== -1) {
        alert( got a comma );

简单地将投入价值按 com体分类,将每一项目的面积分成三倍,然后与 com和空间一道加入由此产生的阵列。

$("#test").blur(function () {
  this.value = $.map(this.value.split(","), $.trim).join(", ");
$( #test ).blur(function(){
    return oldValue.replace( /,s*/g,  ,   );

或者,用更少的 j子:

$( #test ).blur(function(){
  this.value = this.value.replace( /,s*/g,  ,   );
this.value=this.value.replace(/,/gim, ,  );

Using regex, this will normalize the whitespace around each comma to one U+0020 space character after, happening when the text box loses focus after changing value. It also trims whitespace (or a stray comma) from the beginning and end:

$("#test").change(function() {
    this.value = this.value.replace(/s*,s*/g,  ,  ).replace(/^,?s*|,?s*$/g,   );

Regex还有助于告诉用户其投入是否有效。 http://jsfiddle.net/rfQbJ/5/>rel=“nofollow> Try this demo:

$("#test").focus(function() {
    $(this).removeClass( valid invalid );
}).blur(function() {
    this.value = this.value.replace(/s*,s*/g,  ,  ).replace(/^,?s*|,?s*$/g,   );
    if(/^(?:[d.](?:, )?)*$/.test(this.value)) {
        $(this).addClass( valid );
    } else {
        $(this).addClass( invalid );

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