I want to know the mechanism how the screen changes automatically from horizontally to vertically or vice-versa in android when we change the position of phone. Example in terms of coding would be highly appreciable.
I want to know the mechanism how the screen changes automatically from horizontally to vertically or vice-versa in android when we change the position of phone. Example in terms of coding would be highly appreciable.
筛查从肖像自动改为景观,反之亦然。 因此,在最简单的情况下,你不需要做任何事情。 然而,必须考虑到以下一点:
关于方向变化,安乐团终止了你目前的活动,并再次重新调整了这一活动。 因此,如果你拥有一些重要的国家变量,你必须保存这些变量。 为此,你必须超越职能。
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle stateToSave)
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
value of savedInstanceState
. If it is null, it is first start. If it is not null, then it is re-creation caused by rotation, and you have to fetch state variable values from Bundle savedInstanceState
If I understand correctly you re not asking how to change your own layout (the answer might be that you add a layout-land dir for you xml), or how to do some code on change of screen (the answer might be to use onConfigurationsChange), but you are asking how to accomplish the turning of the screen when the user turns the phone?
答案是:制度确实是,你不需要做任何事情。 自动这样做
1). Create folder name "layout-land" put all xml related to landscape into that which is similar name in "layout" folder for portrait.
2). Override the method onConfigurationChange in activity.
3). setcontentview(R.layout.layoutname).
4). in menifest <activity
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