English 中文(简体)
原标题:Replace space characters in paths with what?

I start bash from Java app and I have in my path for command which executes inside bash spaces ( example cd /Documents and Settings/test ), I run command with Process Builder but it doesn t work when path have spaces. I try to replace spaces with %20 but not help. What to do ?



String quoted = """ + pathString + """;


String escaped = pathString.replace(" ", "\ ");




cd "/Documents and Settings/test"

在这里使用“20%”是非专利的,它没有“URL”。 利用Sting[] 或 List[] 而不是“Sting”,然后,你可以离开空间,在那里没有更细微的分界线。


"cd", "/Documents and Settings/test"

然而,这并不意味着指挥员。 当你重新开始新的进程时,你可以改变 Java的工作ir。 你可能想写出一张彩票(批量文件),并从 Java取。

You need to run a command which works from the bash prompt. e.g. cd /Document and Settings/ won t. Try cd C:Documents and Settings which does.

NOTE: bash requires you use a C: at the start to access this folder. Using just / at the start will give you cygwin s a virtual root.

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