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ExtJS: 储存、管道和管道
原标题:ExtJS: store, pagingToolbar and PHP session expire

让我们想象一下,你在一页上有一个有 p子的ExtJS网。 让我们想象一下,你在这个页子里留有一段时间,而此时此刻,你的购买力平价会议结束。 当你在电网上打上“Next page”或“reload”时,向服务器发出的呼吁将失败,因为它会用一些内容回答,告诉你,不允许你获取信息(因为你的会议已经过期)。

你们怎样才能在电网中处理,以避免陷入困境? 我希望这一点足够清楚。



You ll need some sort of heartbeat mechanism, which means that you must periodically send an AJAX call to your server to keep the PHP session alive. If you re using Ext.direct you can simply make use of the Ext.direct.PollingProvider which is by far the most convenient way to implement such a heartbeat. If you re not using Ext.direct you can use Ext.TaskMgr or Ext.util.TaskRunner to call a function periodically in which you can simply issue an AJAX request.




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