$host = localhost ;
$dbusername = root ;
$dbpassword = ;
$database = mp19 ;
$link =mysql_connect( localhost , root , 12345678 );
$db_selected = mysql_select_db( mp19 , $link);
if (!$link)
{exit("Connection Failed: " . $link);}
$sql="SELECT * FROM 3-33";
if (!$rs)
{exit("Error in SQL");}
这些是我制作的用于连接Sphpmysql和javascript日历的代码,但似乎与这一链接有误。 谁能帮助我检查这方面的守则?
Also, I m not sure how to incorporate these codes into the javascript calendar. The calendar is a hardcoded one which makes use of only javascript. My intention is to print the tasks stored in the phpmysql database in the javascript calendar but I m totally lost. Can someone please advice me on how to continue? Thanks in advance