3 stack sort using polyphase merge sort
这应当是执行三重措施的最快途径。 时间的复杂性是O(nlog(n))。 目标是随着物品从分类的堆积中填充,结束装满顺序。 这种方法的起源是在旧的主机磁带中采用多阶段合并制,可以读后(以避免重新缩短时间),类似于在那种情况下撰写前言和阅读后退。
例C++为3个多阶段的代码,使用点器、作为每一组的中点器的点子和每一组的终点站。 操作规模点用于跟踪操作规模增减中点时的情况。 如果在主轴之间转移数据,顺序被淡化或仓储,则使用倾斜序列旗来跟踪。 最初采用,然后在每平摊后进行更换。
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
static size_t fibtbl[48] =
{ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,
8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,
144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597,
2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657,
46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229,
832040, 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887, 9227465,
14930352, 24157817, 39088169, 63245986, 102334155, 165580141,
267914296, 433494437, 701408733,1134903170,1836311903,2971215073};
// binary search: return index of largest fib() <= n
size_t flfib(size_t n)
size_t lo = 0;
size_t hi = sizeof(fibtbl)/sizeof(fibtbl[0]);
while((hi - lo) > 1){
size_t i = (lo + hi)/2;
if(n < fibtbl[i]){
hi = i;
if(n > fibtbl[i]){
lo = i;
return i;
return lo;
// poly phase merge sort array using 3 arrays as stacks, a is source
uint32_t * ppmrg3s(uint32_t a[], uint32_t b[], uint32_t c[], size_t n)
if(n < 2)
return a;
uint32_t *asp = a; // a stack ptr
uint32_t *aer; // a end run
uint32_t *aes = a + n; // a end
uint32_t *bsp = b + n; // b stack ptr
uint32_t *ber; // b end run
uint32_t *bes = b + n; // b end
uint32_t *csp = c + n; // c stack ptr
uint32_t *ces = c + n; // c end
uint32_t *rsp = 0; // run size change stack ptr
size_t ars = 1; // run sizes
size_t brs = 1;
size_t scv = 0-1; // size change increment / decrement
bool dsf; // == 1 if descending sequence
{ // block for local variable scope
size_t f = flfib(n); // fibtbl[f+1] > n >= fibtbl[f]
dsf = ((f%3) == 0); // init compare flag
if(fibtbl[f] == n){ // if exact fibonacci size, move to b
for(size_t i = 0; i < fibtbl[f-1]; i++)
*(--bsp) = *(asp++);
} else { // else move to b, c
// update compare flag
dsf ^= (n - fibtbl[f]) & 1;
// move excess elements to b
aer = a + n - fibtbl[f];
while (asp < aer)
*(--bsp) = *(asp++);
// move dummy count elements to c
aer = a + fibtbl[f - 1];
while (asp < aer)
*(--csp) = *(asp++);
rsp = csp; // set run size change ptr
} // end local variable block
while(1){ // setup to merge pair of runs
if(asp == rsp){ // check for size count change
ars += scv; // (due to dummy run size == 0)
scv = 0-scv;
rsp = csp;
if(bsp == rsp){
brs += scv;
scv = 0-scv;
rsp = csp;
aer = asp + ars; // init end run ptrs
ber = bsp + brs;
while(1){ // merging pair of runs
if(dsf ^ (*asp <= *bsp)){ // if a <= b
*(--csp) = *(asp++); // move a to c
if(asp != aer) // if not end a run
continue; // continue back to compare
do // else move rest of b run to c
*(--csp) = *(bsp++);
while (bsp < ber);
break; // and break
} else { // else a > b
*(--csp) = *(bsp++); // move b to c
if(bsp != ber) // if not end b run
continue; // continue back to compare
do // else move rest of a run to c
*(--csp) = *(asp++);
while (asp < aer);
break; // and break
} // end merging pair of runs
dsf ^= 1; // toggle compare flag
if(bsp == bes){ // if b empty
if(asp == aes) // if a empty, done
std::swap(bsp, csp); // swap b, c
std::swap(bes, ces);
brs += ars; // update run size
} else { // else b not empty
if(asp != aes) // if a not empty
continue; // continue back to setup next merge
std::swap(asp, csp); // swap a, c
std::swap(aes, ces);
ars += brs; // update run size
return csp; // return ptr to sorted array
static final int[] FIBTBL =
{ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5,
8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,
144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597,
2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657,
46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229,
832040, 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887, 9227465,
14930352, 24157817, 39088169, 63245986, 102334155, 165580141,
267914296, 433494437, 701408733,1134903170,1836311903};
// return index of largest fib() <= n
static int flfib(int n)
int lo = 0;
int hi = 47;
while((hi - lo) > 1){
int i = (lo + hi)/2;
if(n < FIBTBL[i]){
hi = i;
if(n > FIBTBL[i]){
lo = i;
return i;
return lo;
// poly phase merge sort using 3 stacks
static void ppmrg3s(xstack a, xstack b, xstack c)
if(a.size() < 2)
int ars = 1; // init run sizes
int brs = 1;
int asc = 0; // no size change
int bsc = 0;
int csc = 0;
int scv = 0-1; // size change value
boolean dsf; // == 1 if descending sequence
{ // block for local variable scope
int f = flfib(a.size()); // FIBTBL[f+1] > size >= FIBTBL[f]
dsf = ((f%3) == 0); // init compare flag
if(FIBTBL[f] == a.size()){ // if exact fibonacci size,
for (int i = 0; i < FIBTBL[f - 1]; i++) { // move to b
} else { // else move to b, c
// update compare flag
dsf ^= 1 == ((a.size() - FIBTBL[f]) & 1);
// i = excess run count
int i = a.size() - FIBTBL[f];
// j = dummy run count
int j = FIBTBL[f + 1] - a.size();
// move excess elements to b
}while(0 != --i);
// move dummy count elements to c
}while(0 != --j);
csc = c.size();
} // end block
while(true){ // setup to merge pair of runs
if(asc == a.size()){ // check for size count change
ars += scv; // (due to dummy run size == 0)
scv = 0-scv;
asc = 0;
csc = c.size();
if(bsc == b.size()){
brs += scv;
scv = 0-scv;
bsc = 0;
csc = c.size();
int arc = ars; // init run counters
int brc = brs;
while(true){ // merging pair of runs
if(dsf ^ (a.peek() <= b.peek())){
c.push(a.pop()); // move a to c
if(--arc != 0) // if not end a
continue; // continue back to compare
do{ // else move rest of b run to c
}while(0 != --brc);
break; // and break
} else {
c.push(b.pop()); // move b to c
if(0 != --brc) // if not end b
continue; // continue back to compare
do{ // else move rest of a run to c
}while(0 != --arc);
break; // and break
} // end merging pair of runs
dsf ^= true; // toggle compare flag
if(b.empty()){ // if end b
if(a.empty()) // if end a, done
b.swap(c); // swap b, c
brs += ars;
if (0 == asc)
bsc = csc;
} else { // else not end b
if(!a.empty()) // if not end a
continue; // continue back to setup next merge
a.swap(c); // swap a, c
ars += brs;
if (0 == bsc)
asc = csc;
a.swap(c); // return sorted stack in a
class xstack{
int []ar; // array
int sz; // size
int sp; // stack pointer
public xstack(int sz){ // constructor with size
this.ar = new int[sz];
this.sz = sz;
this.sp = sz;
public void push(int d){
this.ar[--sp] = d;
public int pop(){
return this.ar[sp++];
public int peek(){
return this.ar[sp];
public boolean empty(){
return sp == sz;
public int size(){
return sz-sp;
public void swap(xstack othr){
int []tempar = othr.ar;
int tempsz = othr.sz;
int tempsp = othr.sp;
othr.ar = this.ar;
othr.sz = this.sz;
othr.sp = this.sp;
this.ar = tempar;
this.sz = tempsz;
this.sp = tempsp;