English 中文(简体)
• 如何只使用打头行动打脚?
原标题:How to sort a stack using only stack operations?


Given a stack S, write a C program to sort the stack (in the ascending order). We are not allowed to make any assumptions about how the stack is implemented. The only functions to be used are:


I think we can build heap and sort it. What is optimal solution to this?



在原封不动之前,在每一条 it中,一只 element子从原 st中渗入,而第二 st中的最高点大于被拆除的元素,穿透第二 st,将其推向原来的 st。 现在,你可以把你原来pop掉的那部分人推到第二层。



void SortStack(struct Stack * orig_stack)
  struct Stack helper_stack;
  while (!IsEmpty(orig_stack))
    int element = Pop(orig_stack);
    while (!IsEmpty(&helper_stack) && Top(&helper_stack) < element)
      Push(orig_stack, Pop(&helper_stack));
    Push(&helper_stack, element);
  while (!IsEmpty(&helper_stack))
    Push(orig_stack, Pop(&helper_stack));


void sort(stack s) {
    if (!IsEmpty(s)) {
        int x = Pop(s);
        insert(s, x);

void insert(stack s, int x) {
    if (!IsEmpty(s)) {  
        int y = Top(s);
        if (x < y) {
            insert(s, x);
            Push(s, y);
        } else {
            Push(s, x);
    } else {
        Push(s, x); 

It can be done recursively using the same stack. O(n^2) I have coded it in C++ but the conversion to C is trivial. I just like templates and you did tag your question as C++

template<typename T>
void Insert(const T& element, Stack<T>& stack)
  if(element > stack.Top())
    T top = stack.Pop();
    Insert(element, stack);

template<typename T>
void StackSort(Stack<T>& stack)
    T top = stack.Pop();
    Insert(top, stack);    


Modified code from T33C s answer
(given before Svante corrected the language tag from c++ to c):
stack.top() can only be checked if !stack.empty()

void insert(int element, stack<int> &stack) {
    if (!stack.empty() && element > stack.top()) {
        int top = stack.top();
        insert(element, stack);
    else {

void sortStack(stack<int> & stack) {
    if (!stack.empty()) {
        int top = stack.top();
        insert(top, stack);

3 stack sort using polyphase merge sort

这应当是执行三重措施的最快途径。 时间的复杂性是O(nlog(n))。 目标是随着物品从分类的堆积中填充,结束装满顺序。 这种方法的起源是在旧的主机磁带中采用多阶段合并制,可以读后(以避免重新缩短时间),类似于在那种情况下撰写前言和阅读后退。



例C++为3个多阶段的代码,使用点器、作为每一组的中点器的点子和每一组的终点站。 操作规模点用于跟踪操作规模增减中点时的情况。 如果在主轴之间转移数据,顺序被淡化或仓储,则使用倾斜序列旗来跟踪。 最初采用,然后在每平摊后进行更换。

typedef unsigned int uint32_t;

static size_t fibtbl[48] =
    {        0,         1,         1,         2,         3,         5,
             8,        13,        21,        34,        55,        89,
           144,       233,       377,       610,       987,      1597,
          2584,      4181,      6765,     10946,     17711,     28657,
         46368,     75025,    121393,    196418,    317811,    514229,
        832040,   1346269,   2178309,   3524578,   5702887,   9227465,
      14930352,  24157817,  39088169,  63245986, 102334155, 165580141,
     267914296, 433494437, 701408733,1134903170,1836311903,2971215073};

// binary search: return index of largest fib() <= n
size_t flfib(size_t n)
size_t lo = 0;
size_t hi = sizeof(fibtbl)/sizeof(fibtbl[0]);
    while((hi - lo) > 1){
        size_t i = (lo + hi)/2;
        if(n < fibtbl[i]){
            hi = i;
        if(n > fibtbl[i]){
            lo = i;
        return i;
    return lo;

// poly phase merge sort array using 3 arrays as stacks, a is source
uint32_t * ppmrg3s(uint32_t a[], uint32_t b[], uint32_t c[], size_t n)
    if(n < 2)
        return a;
    uint32_t *asp = a;                  // a stack ptr
    uint32_t *aer;                      // a end run
    uint32_t *aes = a + n;              // a end
    uint32_t *bsp = b + n;              // b stack ptr
    uint32_t *ber;                      // b end run
    uint32_t *bes = b + n;              // b end
    uint32_t *csp = c + n;              // c stack ptr
    uint32_t *ces = c + n;              // c end
    uint32_t *rsp = 0;                  // run size change stack ptr
    size_t ars = 1;                     // run sizes
    size_t brs = 1;
    size_t scv = 0-1;                   // size change increment / decrement
    bool dsf;                           // == 1 if descending sequence
    {                                   // block for local variable scope
        size_t f = flfib(n);            // fibtbl[f+1] > n >= fibtbl[f]
        dsf = ((f%3) == 0);             // init compare flag
        if(fibtbl[f] == n){             // if exact fibonacci size, move to b
            for(size_t i = 0; i < fibtbl[f-1]; i++)
                *(--bsp) = *(asp++);
        } else {                        // else move to b, c
            // update compare flag
            dsf ^= (n - fibtbl[f]) & 1;
            // move excess elements to b
            aer = a + n - fibtbl[f];
            while (asp < aer)
                *(--bsp) = *(asp++);
            // move dummy count elements to c
            aer = a + fibtbl[f - 1];
            while (asp < aer)
                *(--csp) = *(asp++);
            rsp = csp;                  // set run size change ptr
    }                                   // end local variable block
    while(1){                           // setup to merge pair of runs
        if(asp == rsp){                 // check for size count change
            ars += scv;                 //   (due to dummy run size == 0)
            scv = 0-scv;
            rsp = csp;
        if(bsp == rsp){
            brs += scv;
            scv = 0-scv;
            rsp = csp;
        aer = asp + ars;                // init end run ptrs
        ber = bsp + brs;
        while(1){                       // merging pair of runs
            if(dsf ^ (*asp <= *bsp)){   // if a <= b
                *(--csp) = *(asp++);    //   move a to c
                if(asp != aer)          //   if not end a run
                    continue;           //     continue back to compare
                do                      //   else move rest of b run to c
                    *(--csp) = *(bsp++);
                while (bsp < ber);
                break;                  //     and break
            } else {                    // else a > b
                *(--csp) = *(bsp++);    //   move b to c
                if(bsp != ber)          //   if not end b run
                    continue;           //     continue back to compare
                do                      //   else move rest of a run to c
                    *(--csp) = *(asp++);
                while (asp < aer);
                break;                  //     and break
        }                               // end merging pair of runs
        dsf ^= 1;                       // toggle compare flag
        if(bsp == bes){                 // if b empty
            if(asp == aes)              //   if a empty, done
            std::swap(bsp, csp);        //   swap b, c
            std::swap(bes, ces);
            brs += ars;                 //   update run size
        } else {                        // else b not empty
            if(asp != aes)              //   if a not empty
                continue;               //     continue back to setup next merge
            std::swap(asp, csp);        //   swap a, c
            std::swap(aes, ces);
            ars += brs;                 //   update run size
    return csp;                          // return ptr to sorted array


static final int[] FIBTBL =
{        0,         1,         1,         2,         3,         5,
         8,        13,        21,        34,        55,        89,
       144,       233,       377,       610,       987,      1597,
      2584,      4181,      6765,     10946,     17711,     28657,
     46368,     75025,    121393,    196418,    317811,    514229,
    832040,   1346269,   2178309,   3524578,   5702887,   9227465,
  14930352,  24157817,  39088169,  63245986, 102334155, 165580141,
 267914296, 433494437, 701408733,1134903170,1836311903};

// return index of largest fib() <= n
static int flfib(int n)
int lo = 0;
int hi = 47;
    while((hi - lo) > 1){
        int i = (lo + hi)/2;
        if(n < FIBTBL[i]){
            hi = i;
        if(n > FIBTBL[i]){
            lo = i;
        return i;
    return lo;

// poly phase merge sort using 3 stacks
static void ppmrg3s(xstack a, xstack b, xstack c)
    if(a.size() < 2)
    int ars = 1;                        // init run sizes
    int brs = 1;
    int asc = 0;                        // no size change
    int bsc = 0;
    int csc = 0;
    int scv = 0-1;                      // size change value
    boolean dsf;                        // == 1 if descending sequence
    {                                   // block for local variable scope
        int f = flfib(a.size());        // FIBTBL[f+1] > size >= FIBTBL[f]
        dsf = ((f%3) == 0);             // init compare flag
        if(FIBTBL[f] == a.size()){      // if exact fibonacci size,
            for (int i = 0; i < FIBTBL[f - 1]; i++) { //  move to b
        } else {                        // else move to b, c
            // update compare flag
            dsf ^= 1 == ((a.size() - FIBTBL[f]) & 1);
            // i = excess run count
            int i = a.size() - FIBTBL[f];
            // j = dummy run count
            int j = FIBTBL[f + 1] - a.size();
            // move excess elements to b
            }while(0 != --i);
            // move dummy count elements to c
            }while(0 != --j);
            csc = c.size();
    }                                   // end block
    while(true){                        // setup to merge pair of runs
        if(asc == a.size()){            // check for size count change
            ars += scv;                 //   (due to dummy run size == 0)
            scv = 0-scv;
            asc = 0;
            csc = c.size();
        if(bsc == b.size()){
            brs += scv;
            scv = 0-scv;
            bsc = 0;
            csc = c.size();
        int arc = ars;                  // init run counters
        int brc = brs;
        while(true){                    // merging pair of runs
            if(dsf ^ (a.peek() <= b.peek())){
                c.push(a.pop());        // move a to c
                if(--arc != 0)          // if not end a
                    continue;           //   continue back to compare
                do{                     // else move rest of b run to c
                }while(0 != --brc);
                break;                  //   and break
            } else {
                c.push(b.pop());        // move b to c
                if(0 != --brc)          // if not end b
                    continue;           //   continue back to compare
                do{                     // else move rest of a run to c
                }while(0 != --arc);
                break;                  //   and break
        }                               // end merging pair of runs
        dsf ^= true;                    // toggle compare flag
        if(b.empty()){                  // if end b
            if(a.empty())               //   if end a, done
            b.swap(c);                  //   swap b, c
            brs += ars;
            if (0 == asc)
                bsc = csc;
        } else {                        // else not end b
            if(!a.empty())              //   if not end a
                continue;               //     continue back to setup next merge
            a.swap(c);                  //   swap a, c
            ars += brs;
            if (0 == bsc)
                asc = csc;
    a.swap(c);                          // return sorted stack in a


class xstack{
    int []ar;                               // array
    int sz;                                 // size
    int sp;                                 // stack pointer
    public xstack(int sz){                  // constructor with size
        this.ar = new int[sz];
        this.sz = sz; 
        this.sp = sz;
    public void push(int d){
        this.ar[--sp] = d;
    public int pop(){
        return this.ar[sp++];
    public int peek(){
        return this.ar[sp];
    public boolean empty(){
        return sp == sz;
    public int size(){
        return sz-sp;
    public void swap(xstack othr){
        int []tempar = othr.ar;
        int tempsz = othr.sz;
        int tempsp = othr.sp;
        othr.ar = this.ar;
        othr.sz = this.sz;
        othr.sp = this.sp;
        this.ar = tempar;
        this.sz = tempsz;
        this.sp = tempsp;

If you don t have any extra information about the stack contents, then you pretty much are stuck just taking all the data out, sorting it, and putting it back in. Heapsort would be great here, as would quicksort or introsort.

If there is no limitation on using other data structures, I would say the minimum heap. whenever popping a element from stack, put into the heap. When popping is done, taking element from the top of heap (minimum of the rest) and pushing it into the stack. Repeating such process until heap is empty.



www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 注: Michael J. Barber s(见上文)的回答是不正确的,它忘记了在空闲时把元素推回 st。 更正如下:

void sort(stack s) {
    if (!IsEmpty(s)) {
        int x = Pop(s);
        insert(s, x);

void insert(stack s, int x) {
    if (!IsEmpty(s)) {  
        int y = Top(s);
        if (x < y) {
            insert(s, x);
            Push(s, y);
        } else {
            Push(s, x);
    } else {
        Push(s, x); // !!! must step, otherwise, the stack will eventually be empty after sorting !!!


var org = [4,67,2,9,5,11,3];
var helper = [];

while(org.length > 0){
    var temp = org.pop();
    while((helper.length > 0) && (helper[helper.length-1] < temp)){

while(helper.length > 0){

Game of three stacks

有三个主轴S(源 st,与未经编辑的元素 st),A,B你可以开始玩一种类似于合并的游戏。

我认为,很明显,如果你下令在A和B(同样方向,包括 as或两处 des),你就可以利用S合并A和B,然后将结果移至例如B。

你在A、B或S上有一些要素,这一事实并不阻止你利用A、B或S进行合并(只要你有A、B和S目前规模的标志,你不会被击落)。 如果你的程序把要素带上了S,就没有大脑利用A和B,向A或B转移分类的部分,不管怎样,你可以将它直接交给A或B,或者,例如把所有要素放在A,而不是再次向B转变。

Assume that you have 4 sorted elements on A, 16 on B and some unsorted elements on S.

A.push(S.pop)现成两部分的合并。 同样,B.push(S.pop)并制造了另外一种两块混凝土。 如果混凝土没有分离和(或)没有朝同一方向转移,那么,在B(或甚至S)四层混凝土之后,你就可以操纵你喜欢的东西。 现在把最初的四部分混为一谈,从A部分和B部分,直到你达到8个部分。

你重复一切,直到你再制造8类混杂物。 您将其排列在B(或S)并合并,以便合并16个部分。 现在,你把它放在A(或S)上,与我们当时在B处的16个组成部分合并。

优化执行是trick切的,因为你需要减少从一 st向另一.的移动(改变)。 然而,如果你确定和决定你将使用A、B和S,例如: 如果包含较小和B较大的部分,则按排位顺序合并,则算法更为简单。

你们需要把一些最主要因素从一个方面移至另一个方面,这增加了一个不断的复杂性因素,但从来已超过2个。 除了这种复杂性外,还有N*log(n)(通过合并2个无成分的混合体而达到2级的合并,而合并则需要不超过2吨的步骤)。


    void Stacking(Stack<int> sourceStack, Stack<int> mainStack, Stack<int> childStack, int n)
        if (n == 0) return;

        if (n == 1)

        int mainSize = n/2;
        int childSize = n - n/2;

        Stacking(sourceStack, mainStack, childStack, mainSize);
        Stacking(sourceStack, childStack, mainStack, childSize);

        while (true)
            while (mainSize > 0 && mainStack.Peek() >= childStack.Peek())

            if (mainSize == 0) break;

            while (childSize > 0 && childStack.Peek() >= mainStack.Peek())

            if (childSize == 0) break;

        while (mainSize > 0)

        while (childSize > 0)

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

    void SortStack(Stack<int> sourceStack)
        int n = sourceStack.Count();

        // possible optimization: if (n < 2) return;

        Stack<int> mainStack = new Stack<int>();
        Stack<int> childStack = new Stack<int>();

        Stacking(sourceStack, mainStack, childStack, n);

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

Game of log(n) stacks

如果允许你在大多数 log木板上使用上述程序,就可以简化上述程序。 座椅数目并不意味着你会使用比N级更大的额外空间。 你们只是用来合并1、2、4和元素的摇篮。 在这种情况下,你不关心这一命令,因为将2海因的两部分合并,总是朝同一方向进行分类。 然而,这一解决办法只会绕过这样一个事实,即:你只能使用推力和波动,而只是相当于在所有方面合并。 实质上,如果主食数量不有限,那么你也可以轻易效仿。

/* the basic idea is we go on
 *  popping one element (o) from the original stack (s) and we
 *  compare it with the new stack (temp)
 * if o (the popped element from original stack)
 *  is < the peek element from new stack temp
 * then we push the new stack element to original stack
 *  and recursively keep calling till temp is not empty
 *  and then push the element at the right place.
 * else we push the element to the new stack temp
 *  (o >= new temp stack.
 * Entire logic is recursive.

public void sortstk( Stack s )
    Stack<Integer> temp = new Stack<Integer>();

    while( !s.isEmpty() )
        int s1 = (int) s.pop();

        while( !temp.isEmpty() && (temp.peek() > s1) )
            s.push( temp.pop() );
        temp.push( s1 );

    // Print the entire sorted stack from temp stack
    for( int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++ )
        System.out.println( temp.elementAt( i ) );


   void sortStack(stack<int>& st){
        bool flag = true;
        int n = st.size();
        for(int i = 1; i <= n - 1 && flag; i++){
            flag = false;
            bubbleSortStack(st, flag, i);
    void bubbleSortStack(stack<int>& st, bool& flag, int endSize){
        if(st.size() == endSize)
        int val = st.top();
        if(val > st.top()){
            flag = true;
            int tmp = st.top();
            val = tmp;
        bubbleSortStack(st, flag);
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();
        Stack<int> tempStack = new Stack<int>();
        while (stack.Count > 0)
            int temp = stack.Pop();
            while(tempStack.Count>0 && tempStack.Peek() > temp)
        while (tempStack.Count > 0)
            Console.Write(tempStack.Pop() + " ");


如果你忘记现在的顽固制约,并假定这是一个正常的问题。 那么,你们如何能够解决该问题? (Hint: Merge )

采用辅助屏障对 st进行正常合并。 时间复杂——N*log(n)。

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