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RequireJS: How to define modules that contain a single "class"?

I have a number of JavaScript "classes" each implemented in its own JavaScript file. For development those files are loaded individually, and for production they are concatenated, but in both cases I have to manually define a loading order, making sure that B comes after A if B uses A. I am planning to use RequireJS as an implementation of CommonJS Modules/AsynchronousDefinition to solve this problem for me automatically.

Is there a better way to do this than to define modules that each export one class? If not, how to you name what the module exports? A module "employee" exporting a class "Employee", as in the example below, doesn t feel DRY enough to me.

define("employee", ["exports"], function(exports) {
    exports.Employee = function(first, last) {
        this.first = first;
        this.last = last;

define("main", ["employee"], function (employee) {
    var john = new employee.Employee("John", "Smith");

The AMD proposal allows you to just return a value for the exported object. But note that is a feature of the AMD proposal, it is just an API proposal, and will make it harder to translate the module back to a regular CommonJS module. I think that is OK, but useful info to know.

So you can do the following:

I prefer modules that export a constructor function to start with an upper-case name, so the non-optimized version of this module would also be in Employee.js

define("Employee", function () {
    //You can name this function here,
    //which can help in debuggers but
    //has no impact on the module name.
    return function Employee(first, last) {
        this.first = first; 
        this.last = last;

Now in another module, you can use the Employee module like so:

define("main", ["Employee"], function (Employee) {
    var john = new Employee("John", "Smith");

As an addition to jrburke s answer, note that you don t have to return the constructor function directly. For most useful classes you ll also want to add methods via the prototype, which you can do like this:

define( Employee , function() {
    // Start with the constructor
    function Employee(firstName, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;

    // Now add methods
    Employee.prototype.fullName = function() {
        return this.firstName +     + this.lastName;

    // etc.

    // And now return the constructor function
    return Employee;

In fact this is exactly the pattern shown in this example at requirejs.org.

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