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PHP PostgreSQL pg_exec don t work
原标题:PHP PostgreSQL pg_exec doesn t work

Hey, can someone tell me why my php doesen t execute the SQL Code in PGSQL.. The connection is working fine, i send query s with p_send_query but pg_execute doesen t work ..

      "INSERT into  frontend_usermessage  
              (opened, created, text, to_user_id, 
               from_user_id, administrative, subject) 
       VALUES ( NULL , $created , $text , $to_user ,
                $cookie , $admin , $fromuserr )") 
       or die(pg_error());

    $credits_new = $credits - 1;
    pg_send_query($PG_Con, "UPDATE users_mfuser SET song_credits= $credits_new  
                     WHERE user_ptr_id= $cookie ") or die(pg_error());


$Query = pg_query("your query here....").



  • The syntax INSERT INTO frontend_usermessage is wrong. A table name may not be enclosed in single quotes
  • NULL will insert the character string NULL into that column, *no*t a NULL value. If opened is not a varchar/text column, this will throw an error (unless there is some magic processing going on in PHP, that turns the string NULL into a null value)

But you need to explain precisely what doesen t work means.
doesen t work is not a valid Postgres error (and most probably not a valid PHP error either)


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