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原标题:Service Contract Implements another Interface

Please tell me if this is possible. I have a client win form app and a wcf app in C#. This is my model.

Common Project

public interface IServiceA
     string DoWorkA();


Now, ClientProject references the Common Project. ServiceProject also references the Common Project.


public interface IGetData : IServiceA
   // Implements IServiceA method
   string DoWorkA();

public class MyService : IGetData
    string DoWorkA()


In the Client side

public class MyClass : IServiceA
    // Implements the IServiceA method
    string DoWorkA()
        // Inside this I will call the MyService using DuplexChannel proxy


我为什么问这个问题,在我的申请中,我有许多单元,每个单元都需要用自己的方法从服务中获得数据。 因此,我正计划采用类似学校模式。 请告诉我,这是否正确?




public interface IGetData : IServiceA
   // Implements IServiceA method
   new string DoWorkA();

但我认为,你想要做的是把较小的接口集中到一个更大的服务中。 然后,你的模块可以与其易于理解的界面(这是服务接口的一个子集)互动。


public interface IWarehouse : IShipping, IReceiving, IInventory, IMovement {}


  • We defined all of our service contracts in a shared assembly and used the interfaces on both the client and the server.
  • We created client proxies that implemented those interfaces.



public interface IServiceA
    string DoWorkA(); 

public interface IServiceB
    string DoWorkB();

public interface IGetData : IServiceA, IServiceB


public class ServiceClientA : ClientBase<IGetData>, IServiceA
    public string DoWorkA()
        return Channel.DoWorkA();

public class ServiceClientB : ClientBase<IGetData>, IServiceB
    public string DoWorkB()
        return Channel.DoWorkB();



IServiceA clientA = new ServiceClientA();
string result = clientA.DoWorkA();

IServiceB clientB = new ServiceClientB();
result = clientB.DoWorkB();




  • Your client does not need to implement IServiceA. Why is that? Your client can consume the service by just having reference to your WCF service.
  • Your interface IServiceA seems to be redundant in a given scenario. It is not bringing any benefit with it. IMO you can live IGetData. This is where you are implementing the service contract. If you wish you can rename this interface as IServiceA.

To answer your point where you have lots of module which need to get data from service, can you categorize these modules in business/function nature? If yes, then you can create different WCF service for each of those business/function and respective modules will call respective service. Further to this I don t see a point why one module should not be allowed to gather data from more than one service. That is perfectly acceptable scenario.


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