我很有兴趣在一带使用“油轮”为《识别法》制造大宗用户/密码。 我在 CI论坛上问这个问题,但没有回答:
http://codeigniter.com/forums/viewthread/110993/P330/#837327”rel=“nofollow”> http://codeigniter.com/forums/viewthread/110993/P330/#837327。
是否有任何人利用再保险算法成功这样做? 如果是的话,你能否把一些法典张贴在正确的道路上? 感谢!
CI 1.7.3
PHP 5.x
<EDIT 2/15:
Just in case anyone is looking for a solution to this, here s a function that is basically the same one I used (there were some other parameters, but this should get you going):
function batchReg()
$this->load->model( mymodel );
// connect to the database
// build it
$query = "SELECT user, email, pass from newusers ORDER BY user ASC";
// ship it
$result = mysql_query($query);
// loop it
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data = $this->tank_auth->create_user($row[ user ], $row[ email ], $row[ pass ], FALSE);
echo "<p>";
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