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JPA / @PostPersist @PostUpdate - trade
原标题:JPA / @PostPersist @PostUpdate - transaction

我目前正在使用<条码>@PostPersist和@PostUpdate,并在这些触发器上工作。 我在继续增加一些实体。 问题是,同一交易中究竟是哪些触发因素,如果不可能强迫?

For me it works this way. While I was looking through the logs the transaction isn t existing ( it s commited just before the trigger is launched ) which prevents me ( without REQUIRES_NEW on the persisting method from injected bean ) from saving the additional entities in database. REQUIRED attribute is totally ignored, and MANDATORY attribute do not throw an exception.

这个问题与Junnit有关(因为我是在发展中)。 ?




void onPersist() {
    TransactionSynchronizationManager.registerSynchronization(new TransactionSynchronizationAdapter() {

      public void beforeCommit(boolean readOnly) {
        // do work

如果您需要检查交易是否发生或停止,则使用<条码>在Completion(int status)。

详情请上。 TransactionSynchronization s JavaDoc

The firing of a PostPersist event does not indicate that the entity has done a successful commit. The transaction may be rolled back after the firing of the event but before the successful commit. If you in the PostPersist get the entity manager used in the transaction and then do somehting like this:

void someMethod() {
  EntityManager em = null;
  em = getEntityManagerUsedInTransaction();
  EntityTransaction et = em.getTransaction(); // should return the current transaction
  if (et.isActive() ) {
    // do more db stuff

NB: I haven t tried this so it s only speculation (tho I have used the lifetime event trigger extensively for other stuff). I have to add that I don t think this is a good idea. Use the PostPersist to flag that other entities should be persisted and do it in another transaction.

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