盖伊斯,我没有找到一个干净的简单解决办法,解决以下问题。 我发表一份可贵的意见,即使用我所执行的“UIText FieldCustomCell”。
用户每次改变UIText的价值 在现场,使用单元索引Path.row财产向NSDictionary通知并储存价值,以便确定该单元需要储存价值的关键所在。
The problem is if the user keep focus on a cell and then scrolls up or down (removing the cell from the view) makes me unable to get the indexPath for the cell, since it s not visible.
Have anyone run through this issue before?. It seems to be a common design between iPhone applications, does anyone have an idea if is this a good implementation or not?