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原标题:perl Script to search for a motif in a multifasta file and print the complete sequence along with the header line


#!usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

print STDOUT "Enter the motif: ";
my $motif = <STDIN>;
chomp $motif;

my $line;
open (FILE, "data.fa");
while ($line = <FILE>) {
  if ($line =~ /$motif/)  {
     print $line;









use strict;
use warnings;

print STDOUT "Enter the motif: ";
my $motif = <STDIN>;
chomp $motif;

my %seqs = %{ read_fasta_as_hash(  data.fa  ) };
foreach my $id ( keys %seqs ) {
    if ( $seqs{$id} =~ /$motif/ ) {
        print $id, "
        print $seqs{$id}, "

sub read_fasta_as_hash {
    my $fn = shift;

    my $current_id =   ;
    my %seqs;
    open FILE, "<$fn" or die $!;
    while ( my $line = <FILE> ) {
        chomp $line;
        if ( $line =~ /^(>.*)$/ ) {
            $current_id  = $1;
        } elsif ( $line !~ /^s*$/ ) { # skip blank lines
            $seqs{$current_id} .= $line
    close FILE or die $!;

    return \%seqs;


#!usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

print STDOUT "Enter the motif: ";
my $motif = <STDIN>;
chomp $motif;

my $line;
my $defline;
open (FILE, "data.fa");
while ($line = <FILE>) {
  if ($line =~ /^>/) {
     $defline = $line;
   } elsif ($line =~ /$motif/)  {
close (FILE);


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