In Swing you can get "the other Component involved in this focus change" from this: getOppositeComponent. There does not seem to be a similar call in SWT, does anyone have a workaround or fix for this?...
The equivalent of a JPanel in SWT is a Composite, CLabel or Canvas depending on what you want to achieve. NB: The eclipse SWT API is a bit temperamental.
In Swing you can get "the other Component involved in this focus change" from this: getOppositeComponent. There does not seem to be a similar call in SWT, does anyone have a workaround or fix for this?...
How would I go about styling a SWT label created along the following lines so it is displayed italicised? Label label = formToolkit.createLabel(composite, "My label name");
Apparently if using ILazyTree(TreePath)ContentProvider sorting and filtering is not supported by TreeViewers. So setting ViewerFilters or Sorters/Comparators to your TreeView won t do any good. ...
I have actually two questions but they are kind of related so here they go as one... How to ensure garbage collection of tree nodes that are not currently displayed using TreeViewer(SWT.VIRTUAL) and ...
I want to add a toolbar to a section in SWT. There is an example i saw in the PDE manifest editor. How can i add this toolbar or buttons? maybe i need to use a different control? Thank you, Ido
I would like to ask the same thing than this question but using SWT: Is there a way to make a Button with your own button graphic not just with an image inside the button? If not is another way to ...
Using standalone SWT Scrollbars is something of a hack (using this workaround), but it can be done. Here s a snippet: ScrolledComposite scrolledComposite = new ScrolledComposite( ...
I have a global filter (Display.addFilter) in SWT in which I want to detect Enter key. In Windows, pressing Enter generates SWT.CR in keyCode part of KeyListener event. Is this assumption safe for ...