- Inaccuracy: whatever mechanism you use collects correct hints (IP address location, street address and city) but generates the wrong zip code, due to errors
- Remote use: Users entering a different address than their current location, e.g. using a computer at a hotel in a different country to fill out a form related to their home address, so location of IP address of computer is different from location of address in form
- Localisation failure: whatever mechanism you use doesn t work with the hints of the user s address, e.g. different address conventions in a foreign country
- Provider business terms: you want to use a geocoding service like Google s or Yahoo s APIs, but the license agreement for that service isn t compatible with the business model of your site. For example, they want you to pay if you are geocoding for commercial purposes, or for a site behind a firewall, or more than a certain number of transactions a day
- Change in provider situation: you use an external geocoding service, and it goes out of business
- etc.