English 中文(简体)
原标题:Find the max of 3 numbers in Java with different data types
  • 时间:2011-02-13 03:14:37
  •  标签:
  • java
  • math
  • max


final static int MY_INT1 = 25;
final static int MY_INT2 = -10;
final static double MY_DOUBLE1 = 15.5;


// this gives me an error
double maxOfNums = Math.max(MY_INT1, MY_INT2, MY_DOUBLE2);





如果可能的话,可以在Apache Commons Lang中使用NumberUtils——那里有很多很棒的实用程序。






public static int max(Integer... vals) {
    return Collections.max(Arrays.asList(vals)); 



double max = DoubleStream.of(firstValue, secondValue, thirdValue)

Java 8方式。适用于多个参数:

Stream.of(first, second, third).max(Integer::compareTo).get()


public static double max(double... n) {
    int i = 0;
    double max = n[i];

    while (++i < n.length)
        if (n[i] > max)
            max = n[i];

    return max;


final static int MY_INT1 = 25;
final static int MY_INT2 = -10;
final static double MY_DOUBLE1 = 15.5;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    double maxOfNums = max(MY_INT1, MY_INT2, MY_DOUBLE1);


 int smallest = Math.min(a, Math.min(b, Math.min(c, d)));


Regards, Norbert



public class test {
    final static int MY_INT1 = 25;
    final static int MY_INT2 = -10;
    final static double MY_DOUBLE1 = 15.5;

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        double maxOfNums = multiMax(MY_INT1, MY_INT2, MY_DOUBLE1);

    public static Object multiMax(Object... values) {
        Object returnValue = null;
        for (Object value : values)
            returnValue = (returnValue != null) ? ((((value instanceof Integer) ? (Integer) value
                    : (value instanceof Double) ? (Double) value
                            : (Float) value) > ((returnValue instanceof Integer) ? (Integer) returnValue
                    : (returnValue instanceof Double) ? (Double) returnValue
                            : (Float) returnValue)) ? value : returnValue)
                    : value;
        return returnValue;



int first = 3;  
int mid = 4; 
int last = 6;

//checks for the largest number using the Math.max(a,b) method
//for the second argument (b) you just use the same method to check which  //value is greater between the second and the third
int largest = Math.max(first, Math.max(last, mid));


public static void main(String[] args) {

    int x=2 , y=7, z=14;
    int max1= Math.max(x,y);

    System.out.println("Max value is: "+ Math.max(max1, z)); 


// Fig. 6.3: MaximumFinder.java
// Programmer-declared method maximum with three double parameters.
import java.util.Scanner;

public class MaximumFinder
  // obtain three floating-point values and locate the maximum value
  public static void main(String[] args)
    // create Scanner for input from command window
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

    // prompt for and input three floating-point values
      "Enter three floating-point values separated by spaces: ");
    double number1 = input.nextDouble(); // read first double
    double number2 = input.nextDouble(); // read second double
    double number3 = input.nextDouble(); // read third double

    // determine the maximum value
    double result = maximum(number1, number2, number3);

    // display maximum value
    System.out.println("Maximum is: " + result);

  // returns the maximum of its three double parameters          
  public static double maximum(double x, double y, double z)     
    double maximumValue = x; // assume x is the largest to start

    // determine whether y is greater than maximumValue         
    if (y > maximumValue)                                       
      maximumValue = y;                                        

    // determine whether z is greater than maximumValue         
    if (z > maximumValue)                                       
      maximumValue = z;                                        

    return maximumValue;                                        
} // end class MaximumFinder


Enter three floating-point values separated by spaces: 9.35 2.74 5.1
Maximum is: 9.35

参考文献Java语言™ 如何编程(早期对象),第十版


int x = 1, y = 2, z = 3;

int biggest = x;
if (y > biggest) {
    biggest = y;
if (z > biggest) {
    biggest = z;
//    System.out.println(Math.max(Math.max(x,y),z));

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