English 中文(简体)
原标题:How long can a UI-related object stay usable?
  • 时间:2011-02-10 20:46:15
  •  标签:
  • java
  • android


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstance) {
    AskFilename ask = new AskFilename();







首先,您可以只放入声明AskFilename ask在方法声明之外,即作为类的成员。然后用ask=new AskFilename()初始化它。

然而,需要知道的是,你的构造函数可能不会是那样的。每个Android UI组件都包含对包含它的东西的回调(引用)。您通常通过将Context传递给UI组件的构造函数来实现这一点-在Activity内部,上下文通常只是Activity本身,所以您只需使用this关键字。例如:



 ask = new AskFilename(this);

Additionally, your Activity will hold references (implicitly) to all of its UI components, and dialogs it shows with onCreateDialog() So your object won t get picked up by the GC. It gets these references either when you call setContextView or make the dialog.

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