English 中文(简体)
如何实现jQuery UI自动完成自动填充和/或选择第一个功能?
原标题:How to implement jQuery UI Autocomplete autoFill and/or selectFirst features?


如何在jQuery UI自动完成中实现“mustMatch”和“selectFirst”

but it doesnt really do what I would expect. I ll explain why below. I am also aware of this simple guide posted by the original developer of the plugin:



Having said that, here is my issue and why the first solution does not work for me. The soruce comes from a DB in the form of JSON objects. I use a custom function to set the options, see below:

source: function (request, response) {
   var sourceData = $.parseJSON(result); //result is an array coming in via ajax
   response($.map(sourceData, function (item) {
      return { label: item.PortName, value: item.PortName, source: item };
      //item has about 12 properties that could be used for other forms.




change: function (event, ui) {
            if (ui.item) {
                $( input:[name="another_form_field"] ).val(ui.item.source.PortId);
            else {
                $(this).val(  );
                $( input:[name="release_port_id"] ).val(  );




EDIT: This is what I have tried so far. Binding a blur event to the autocomplete element. The commented-out line uses the value of the first element in the dropdown and sets the text of the input. This would work if thats all I would need, but i need to replicate the select event, which means that i need more data (not just the text).

.live( blur , function (e) {
        if ($( .ui-autocomplete li ).length > 0) {            
            //$(this).val($(".ui-autocomplete li:visible:first").text());
            $(".ui-autocomplete li:visible:first").click();
        else {
            $(this).val(  );
            $( input:[name="release_port_id"] ).val(  );






$( #autocomplete_input ).autocomplete({
        source: function (request, response) {
            $.get("/DataHandler.ashx", { Type: "ExpectedType", Query: request.term }, function (result) {
                var sourceData = $.parseJSON(result);
                response($.map(sourceData, function (item) {
                    return { label: item.PortName, value: item.PortName, source: item };
        minLength: 3,
        change: function (event, ui) {
            if (ui.item) {
                $( #another_element"] ).val(ui.item.source.PortId);
            else {
                if (!$(this).data( valid )) {
                    $(this).val(  );
                    $( #another_element ).val(  );                    
            $(this).data( valid , false);
    }).live( blur , function (e) {
        if ($( .ui-autocomplete li:visible ).length > 0) {
            item = $($(".ui-autocomplete li:visible:first").data()).attr( item.autocomplete );
            $( #another_element ).val(item.source.PortId);
            $(this).data( valid , true);


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