Is there a way to tell Visual Studio 2005 to just ignore source control binding when opening a solution? I sometimes need to load a solution for which I don t have access to the source control server, but Visual Studio insists on trying to connect anyway, meaning I have to click "temporarily work offline in disconnected mode" for every project in the solution (of which there are about 20) as it loads. For some reason, it also tries to check each project out immediately after I ve told it to work offline, so I have to click past that dialog box too.
既然我永远不需要编辑这个解决方案中的任何内容,有没有办法打开它,让Visual Studio忽略它具有源代码控制绑定的事实?
Edit: Ideally, I d like a way to do this without having to change the project/solution files. They change fairly frequently, so I d have to redo any changes every time there was a new version (otherwise I d just unbind them once and it wouldn t be a problem).