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原标题:use jQuery s find() on JSON object

Similar to brnwdrng s question, I m looking for a way to search through a JSON-like object.
supposing my object s structure is like so:

TestObj = {
    "Categories": [{
        "Products": [{
            "id": "a01",
            "name": "Pine",
            "description": "Short description of pine."
            "id": "a02",
            "name": "Birch",
            "description": "Short description of birch."
            "id": "a03",
            "name": "Poplar",
            "description": "Short description of poplar."
        "id": "A",
        "title": "Cheap",
        "description": "Short description of category A."
        "Product": [{
            "id": "b01",
            "name": "Maple",
            "description": "Short description of maple."
            "id": "b02",
            "name": "Oak",
            "description": "Short description of oak."
            "id": "b03",
            "name": "Bamboo",
            "description": "Short description of bamboo."
        "id": "B",
        "title": "Moderate",
        "description": "Short description of category B."



$(TestObj.find(":id= A "))





function getObjects(obj, key, val) {
    var objects = [];
    for (var i in obj) {
        if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
        if (typeof obj[i] ==  object ) {
            objects = objects.concat(getObjects(obj[i], key, val));
        } else if (i == key && obj[key] == val) {
    return objects;


getObjects(TestObj,  id ,  A ); // Returns an array of matching objects

The pure javascript solution is better, but a jQuery way would be to use the jQuery grep and/或 map methods. Probably not much better than using $.each

jQuery.grep(TestObj, function(obj) {
    return obj.id === "A";

jQuery.map(TestObj, function(obj) {
    if(obj.id === "A")
         return obj; // 或 return obj.name, whatever.

Returns an array of the matching objects, 或 of the looked-up values in the case of map. Might be able to do what you want simply using those.


function getObjects(obj, key, val) {
    var retv = [];

        if(obj[key] === val) // may want to add obj.hasOwnProperty(key) here.

        var objects = jQuery.grep(obj, function(elem) {
            return (jQuery.isArray(elem) || jQuery.isPlainObject(elem));

        retv.concat(jQuery.map(objects, function(elem){
            return getObjects(elem, key, val);

    return retv;




function getObjects(obj, key, val) 
    var newObj = false; 
    $.each(obj, function()
        var testObject = this; 
        $.each(testObject, function(k,v)
            if(val == v && k == key)
                newObj = testObject;

    return newObj;


function exist (json, modulid) {
    var ret = 0;
    $(json).each(function(index, data){
        if(data.modulId == modulid)
    return ret > 0;



results = JSONPath(null, TestObj, "$..[?(@.id== A )]")



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