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HTML OnSubmit:下载或HTML
原标题:HTML OnSubmit: Download OR HTML




  1. Backend set content-type to "application/pdf" or whatever
  2. Using jQuery/UI dialog in the front end.
  3. Using jQuery form submit: $("#form").submit();




  • Have the form submit to a hidden iframe.
  • The form includes a hidden field with the name of a cookie the response should set (on success or failure).
  • I show a nice message like "Generating your report" or whatever and poll for the cookie.
  • If the generation is successful, I ll see the cookie with the value "OK" (or similar); this tells me to take down my "generating" message and stop polling.
  • If the generation fails, I ll see the cookie with the value "Error" (or similar); this tells me to read the full error message from the contents of the iframe and show the error to the user.
  • I use a timeout (but a long one, five minutes or something) and also let the user cancel the polling.
  • When returning the PDF, I use a Content-Disposition header to tell suggest to the browser that it should offer to save the result (value attachment) or show it inline (value inline).

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