English 中文(简体)
原标题:Begin a plot on a specific day of the week
  • 时间:2011-02-13 16:23:41
  •  标签:
  • gnuplot


2011/03/01  Tue 08:42   9.39    H
2011/03/01  Tue 15:04   0.2     L
2011/03/01  Tue 21:18   8.67    H
2011/03/02  Wed 03:16   0.71    L
2011/03/02  Wed 09:31   9.51    H
2011/03/02  Wed 15:49   0.09    L
2011/03/02  Wed 22:01   8.91    H
2011/03/03  Thu 04:01   0.48    L
2011/03/03  Thu 10:14   9.58    H
2011/03/03  Thu 16:28   0.05    L
2011/03/03  Thu 22:39   9.11    H




  • a way to handle the first week problem;
  • a way to automate the xrange for each succeeding week (i.e., have gnuplot parse the timestamp and start a new plot each Monday? Can I perhaps do this using the ternary operator?)

gnuplot: version 4.4 patchlevel 2
OSX 10.6.6


set timefmt "%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M"
set origin 0,0
set xdata time
unset key
set samples 1000
set grid noxtics
set xtics nomirror font "Arial,10" tc rgb "blue"
set xtics offset 0,0  # required for position of tic labels when stacked.
set yrange [-3:13] 
set ytics 3
set grid ytics back
set x2data time
set x2tics 86400
set grid x2tics back
set x2tics 86400
set format x2 "%d"    # displays number of day of month
set x2tics offset 3.5,-3 font "Helvetica,20"    # required for position of numbers when stacked.
#### set size 1,.2    # un-comment for setting up stacked layout.
set tmargin 3   # gives adequate room between each row of days + labels.
set lmargin 5
set bmargin 2
set rmargin 2
plot  MonthlyTideDataMarch.txt  u (myDate(1,3)):4:xticlabels(strcol(4) . " 
" . strcol(3) ) lc rgb "green" lw 3 sm cspl notitle


# write dates into a temporary file, create a date range
# for each line in your input file
echo -n ""> tmp.out
while read line; do
      y=$(date --date "$d" +%Y)
      w=$(date --date "$d" +%W)
      M=$(date --date "$y-01-01 +$w weeks -1 week +2 day" +%Y-%m-%d)
      S=$(date --date "$y-01-01 +$w weeks -1 week +8 day" +%Y-%m-%d)
      echo  " $M ":" $S "  >> tmp.out
done < data.txt

# make them unique
uniq tmp.out > dates.out

# create a gnuplot input file, needs your code from above
cat <<EOF > in.gnu

# add a plot command for each date range. 
# needs your plot command and perhaps more plot specific data (title, etc.)
while read line; do
   cat <<EOF >>in.gnu
   set xrange [$line]
   plot "data.txt" u 1:2
done < dates.out


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