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Puppet Server and Client working Good but still manifest file doesn t get executed

I am currently working on puppet using Amazon Fedora EC2 instances. Both Puppet Server and Client are working fine. I am able to create certificate from client and server is able to sign that but still whatever code I have written in manifest files doesn’t get executed.

Below mentioned is my code in Site.pp file :

class test_class {
    file { “/tmp/testfile”:
        ensure => present,
        mode => 644,
        owner => root,
        group => root

node puppetclient {
   include test_class

Here, puppetclient is the hostname of client. But still after signing certificate /tmp/testfile doesn’t get created.

DNS is also working perfectly fine. I can ping puppetserver(named as puppet) from puppet client.

Can you please tell me what must be the possible mistake ??


It s probably just a typo in the question, but the default catalog file is site.pp , not Site.pp , so try it with site.pp instead.

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