In graph api, Pages.isFan method not working, what s method for checking user fan of a page in graph api?
In graph api, Pages.isFan method not working, what s method for checking user fan of a page in graph api?
To check if the current user is a fan of the Facebook page on landing at your tab check this answer.
You can use the likes
connection to check if a user is a fan of a page:
This would return either an empty data array:
[data] => Array
Or if fan:
[data] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => Real Madrid C.F.
[category] => Professional sports team
[id] => 19034719952
[created_time] => 2011-05-03T20:53:26+0000
So this is how we check using the PHP-SDK:
require ../src/facebook.php ;
// Create our Application instance (replace this with your appId and secret).
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
appId => APP_ID ,
secret => APP_SECRET ,
$user = $facebook->getUser();
if ($user) {
try {
$likes = $facebook->api("/me/likes/PAGE_ID");
if( !empty($likes[ data ]) )
echo "I like!";
echo "not a fan!";
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
$user = null;
if ($user) {
$logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl();
} else {
$loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array(
scope => user_likes
// rest of code here
Similar script usingJS-SDK:
FB.api( /me/likes/PAGE_ID ,function(response) {
if( ) {
if( !isEmpty( )
alert( You are a fan! );
alert( Not a fan! );
} else {
alert( ERROR! );
// function to check for an empty object
function isEmpty(obj) {
for(var prop in obj) {
return false;
return true;
Code taken from my tutorial.
While pages.isFan
is still working for me, you can use the FQL page_fan
table with the new PHP-SDK:
$result = $facebook->api(array(
"method" => "fql.query",
"query" => "SELECT uid FROM page_fan WHERE uid=$user_id AND page_id=$page_id"
if(!empty($result)) // array is not empty, so the user is a fan!
echo "$user_id is a fan!";
From the documentation:
To read the page_fan table you need:
- any valid
if it is public (visible to anyone on Facebook).user_likes
permissions if querying the current user.friends_likes
permissions if querying a user s friend.
Here s another approach that relies on the signed_request POST variable that Facebook sends to every tab app page (if you have the "OAuth 2.0 for Canvas" advanced option turned on.
The nice thing about this is you don t need to send another fql.query.
Or you can use fbml if you whant for example show some content if they are fan or made some dinamic stuff.
<fb:fbml version="1.1">
<fb:visible-to-connection>This part is visible for fans only!
<fb:else>This part is visible for non-fans</fb:else>
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