English 中文(简体)
原标题:Weird httpPost behavoir (may be json, auth, proxy related) GET works, POST works, but not without proxy (partially solved)

我编写了一个REST WCF RIA Silverlight 4.0兼容服务,可以从javascript+jQuery.1.4.2.js+JSON2.js(当然还有.NET 4.0应用程序)成功访问该服务


            HttpPost request = new HttpPost(SERVICE_URI + "/SubmitChanges");             
        request.setHeader("Accept", "application/json; charset=utf-8");             
        request.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        // Build JSON string            
        JSONStringer myTable = new JSONStringer()
        Log.d("WebInvoke", "MyTable : " + myTable.toString());                           
        StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(myTable.toString());

//          entity.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8"); 
//          entity.setContentEncoding(new BasicHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE,"application/json; charset=utf-8")); 
            Log.d("WebInvoke", "Entity : " + entity.toString());                           
            // Send request to WCF service             
            DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
            httpClient.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(new AuthScope(null,-1), new UsernamePasswordCredentials("myuser","mypassword"));
//          HttpClientParams myParam = (HttpClientParams) httpClient.getParams();
//          Log.d("WebInvoke", "Entity : " + myParam.toString());                           

            HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);              

When turned to Android app, I noted that I cannot do PUT s operations (GETs worked OK). They returned error 400 - Bad request As it worked OK on js, I used fiddler2 to see what s happend. When I setup the emulator to work throught fiddler proxy, suddenly, the request has turned OK. Then I tryed again without proxy, and it returned to error 400. I tryed also uploading the apk to my Galaxy S and connecting through web. Again, GETs works, but PUTs don t...





request HttpPost  (id=830085521536) 
    aborted false
    abortLock   ReentrantLock  (id=830085616656)
    connRequest null
    entity  StringEntity  (id=830085531688)
    headergroup HeaderGroup  (id=830085644864)
    params  null
    releaseTrigger  null
    uri URI  (id=830085878840)
httpClient  DefaultHttpClient  (id=830085612544)    
    connManager null
    cookieStore BasicCookieStore  (id=830085604904)
    credsProvider   BasicCredentialsProvider  (id=830085612624)
    defaultParams   null
    httpProcessor   null
    keepAliveStrategy   null
    log Jdk14Logger  (id=830085596488)
    proxyAuthHandler    null
    redirectHandler null
    requestExec null
    retryHandler    null
    reuseStrategy   null
    routePlanner    null
    supportedAuthSchemes    null
    supportedCookieSpecs    null
    targetAuthHandler   null
    userTokenHandler    null


request HttpPost  (id=830085521536) 
    aborted false
    abortLock   ReentrantLock  (id=830085616656)
    connRequest null
    entity  StringEntity  (id=830085531688)
    headergroup HeaderGroup  (id=830085644864)
    params  BasicHttpParams  (id=830085486480)
    releaseTrigger  SingleClientConnManager$ConnAdapter  (id=830085855888)
    uri URI  (id=830085878840)
httpClient  DefaultHttpClient  (id=830085612544)    
    connManager SingleClientConnManager  (id=830085927648)
    cookieStore BasicCookieStore  (id=830085604904)
    credsProvider   BasicCredentialsProvider  (id=830085612624)
    defaultParams   BasicHttpParams  (id=830085575968)
    httpProcessor   BasicHttpProcessor  (id=830085617496)
    keepAliveStrategy   DefaultConnectionKeepAliveStrategy  (id=830085544576)
    log Jdk14Logger  (id=830085596488)
    proxyAuthHandler    DefaultProxyAuthenticationHandler  (id=830085951384)
    redirectHandler DefaultRedirectHandler  (id=830085524448)
    requestExec HttpRequestExecutor  (id=830085525992)
    retryHandler    DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler  (id=830085583064)
    reuseStrategy   DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy  (id=830085882544)
    routePlanner    DefaultHttpRoutePlanner  (id=830085880096)
    supportedAuthSchemes    AuthSchemeRegistry  (id=830085650400)
    supportedCookieSpecs    CookieSpecRegistry  (id=830085516320)
    targetAuthHandler   DefaultTargetAuthenticationHandler  (id=830085583264)
    userTokenHandler    DefaultUserTokenHandler  (id=830085486432)
response    BasicHttpResponse  (id=830085980112)    
    entity  BasicManagedEntity  (id=830085983552)
    headergroup HeaderGroup  (id=830085625184)
    locale  Locale  (id=830085944016)
    params  ClientParamsStack  (id=830085486448)
    reasonCatalog   EnglishReasonPhraseCatalog  (id=830004383520)
    statusline  BasicStatusLine  (id=830085625160)


request HttpPost  (id=830085966120) 
    aborted false   
    abortLock   ReentrantLock  (id=830085966520)    
    connRequest null    
    entity  StringEntity  (id=830085971592) 
    headergroup HeaderGroup  (id=830085966392)  
    params  null    
    releaseTrigger  null    
    uri URI  (id=830085966568)  
httpClient  DefaultHttpClient  (id=830085973896)    
    connManager null    
    cookieStore BasicCookieStore  (id=830085974504) 
    credsProvider   BasicCredentialsProvider  (id=830085974144) 
    defaultParams   null    
    httpProcessor   null    
    keepAliveStrategy   null    
    log Jdk14Logger  (id=830085974120)  
    proxyAuthHandler    null    
    redirectHandler null    
    requestExec null    
    retryHandler    null    
    reuseStrategy   null    
    routePlanner    null    
    supportedAuthSchemes    null    
    supportedCookieSpecs    null    
    targetAuthHandler   null    
    userTokenHandler    null    


request HttpPost  (id=830085966120) 
    aborted false   
    abortLock   ReentrantLock  (id=830085966520)    
    connRequest null    
    entity  StringEntity  (id=830085971592) 
    headergroup HeaderGroup  (id=830085966392)  
    params  BasicHttpParams  (id=830085980824)  
    releaseTrigger  SingleClientConnManager$ConnAdapter  (id=830085981992)  
    uri URI  (id=830085966568)  
httpClient  DefaultHttpClient  (id=830085973896)    
    connManager SingleClientConnManager  (id=830085978144)  
    cookieStore BasicCookieStore  (id=830085974504) 
    credsProvider   BasicCredentialsProvider  (id=830085974144) 
    defaultParams   BasicHttpParams  (id=830085977232)  
    httpProcessor   BasicHttpProcessor  (id=830085978848)   
    keepAliveStrategy   DefaultConnectionKeepAliveStrategy  (id=830085978816)   
    log Jdk14Logger  (id=830085974120)  
    proxyAuthHandler    DefaultProxyAuthenticationHandler  (id=830085980560)    
    redirectHandler DefaultRedirectHandler  (id=830085980152)   
    requestExec HttpRequestExecutor  (id=830085976912)  
    retryHandler    DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler  (id=830085980128)   
    reuseStrategy   DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy  (id=830085978800)   
    routePlanner    DefaultHttpRoutePlanner  (id=830085978832)  
    supportedAuthSchemes    AuthSchemeRegistry  (id=830085975792)   
    supportedCookieSpecs    CookieSpecRegistry  (id=830085976320)   
    targetAuthHandler   DefaultTargetAuthenticationHandler  (id=830085980344)   
    userTokenHandler    DefaultUserTokenHandler  (id=830085980776)  
response    BasicHttpResponse  (id=830085927240)    
    entity  BasicManagedEntity  (id=830085863688)   
    headergroup HeaderGroup  (id=830085944256)  
    locale  Locale  (id=830085944272)   
    params  ClientParamsStack  (id=830085980792)    
    reasonCatalog   EnglishReasonPhraseCatalog  (id=830004383520)   
    statusline  BasicStatusLine  (id=830085927216)  




httpClient.getParams().setBooleanParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, false);

Dave, I owe you one big! Many thanks to every one for read the thread!



import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP;
StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(myTable.toString(),HTTP.UTF_8);



request.setHeader("Authorization","Basic "+Base64.encodeToString("login:password".getBytes(),Base64.URL_SAFE|Base64.NO_WRAP););


参考:android上授权的HTTP POST请求

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