English 中文(简体)
原标题:How would I know if there is any similar element in my array?
  • 时间:2011-02-16 01:24:17
  •  标签:
  • arrays
  • perl


$dir =  /var/www/corpIDD/rawFile/ ;
opendir DIR, $dir or die "cannot open dir $dir: $!";
my @file= readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;


$array (0 =>  ipax3_2011_01_27.txt , 1 =>  ipax3_2011_02_01.txt , 2 =>  ipax3_2011_02_03.txt )





my @file = qw(ipax3_2011_01_27.txt ipax3_2011_02_01.txt ipax3_2011_02_03.txt);

my %ipax3;

for (@file) {
    if (/^ipax3_(d{4}_d{2})_(d{2}).txt$/) {
        $ipax3{$1}{$2} = $_
    else {
        warn "bad file: $_

for my $year_month (keys %ipax3) {
    my $days = keys %{ $ipax3{$year_month} };
    if ($days > 1) {
        print "$year_month has $days files
    else {
        print "$year_month has 1 file


2011_01 has 1 file
2011_02 has 2 files


my $year_month =  2011_02 ;
my $day        =  01 ;
my $file       = $ipax3{$year_month}{$day};


my $number = keys %ipax3; # number of year_month entries

my @keys = keys %ipax3; # contains ( 2011_01 ,  2011_02 ) 

my @days = keys %{ $ipax{$year_month} };

在最后一个示例中,%ipax中的每个值都是对哈希的引用。由于keys采用文字哈希,因此需要将$ipax{$year_month}封装在%{…}中。在perl v5.13.7+中,您可以省略%{…}围绕的参数以及其他一些数据结构访问函数。



use warnings qw(all);
use strict;

my ($dir, $hdir) =  C:Work ;
opendir($hdir, $dir) || die "Can t open dir "$dir" because $!
my (@files) = readdir($hdir);

my %yearmonths;
    my ($year, $month);
    next unless(($year, $month) = ($_ =~ /ipax3_(d{4})_(d{2})/));
    $year += 0;
    --$month;           #assuming that months are in range 1-12
    my $key = ($year * 12) + $month;
    ++$yearmonths{ $key };
foreach(keys %yearmonths)
    next if($yearmonths{ $_ } < 2);
    my $year = $_ / 12;
    my $month = 1 + ($_ % 12);
    printf "There were %d files from year %d, month %d
", $yearmonths{$_}, $year, $month;

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