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Facebook JS SDK不需要应用程序秘密进行身份验证:它的安全性如何?
原标题:Facebook JS SDK does not need app secret to authenticate : How secure is it?

When I use Facebook s JS SDK to authenticate my app (using FB.init method) all I need is my App ID. It does not require my app secret and/or app key. However when I used PHP SDK, it required my app secret (atleast the example I used to learn used the app ID and app secret both).

是否安全并建议使用JS SDK进行身份验证?JS SDK的身份验证流程到底是如何实现的?

Thanks, Vineet



JS SDK的新版本使用了OAuth 2.0。这是有据可查的-查看OAuth 2.0站点了解详细信息。

关于SDK是否需要应用程序机密的问题,我对此有点困惑。在应用服务器端,库表明JS SDK使用应用机密对cookie进行签名(请参阅facebook python sdk)-然而,我完全不清楚JS sdk是如何知道应用程序的秘密的。我猜测,当它在身份验证过程中直接与FB对话时,它可以从FB动态获取它,但我不确定。

(编辑:我认为JS SDK直接从FB获得用应用程序秘密签名的cookie——JS SDK永远不知道应用程序秘密)。




When you request facebook data, we verify the form fields before packaging them up in the signed_request. This lets you assume that all the data is genuine and saves you from having to verify things. The one problem that could arise, is a smart attacker could change the form fields and submit them to you, thereby giving you unverified data.


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