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ASP.NET MVC 2 RouteLink方法
原标题:ASP.NET MVC 2 RouteLink method

我是ASP.NET MVC的新手,无法理解这一点。通过学习Professional ASP.NET MVC 2中的Nerminer示例,我复制了PaginatedList帮助程序类,并决定对其进行改进,以便可以通过类中的方法生成前向和后向链接,而不是在每个视图页中都写出它们。我是从Index.aspx中的视图中复制的:

if (Model.HasPreviousPage)
        Response.Write(Html.RouteLink("<<<", "Users", new { page=(Model.PageIndex-1) }));


public string NavLinks()
    if (HasPreviousPage)
        return Html.RouteLink("<<<", "Users", new { page=(PageIndex-1) });



public string NavLinks(HtmlHelper Html)


根据Microsoft关于LinkExtensions.RouteLink方法的文档,“在Visual Basic和C#中,您可以将此方法作为HtmlHelper类型的任何对象的实例方法调用”。他们撒谎吗?




public string NavLinks(HtmlHelper Html)
    if (HasPreviousPage)
        return Html.RouteLink("<<<", "Users", new { page=(PageIndex-1) });

using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Mvc.Html;

public static MvcHtmlString NavLinks(this HtmlHelper html, hasPreviousPage)
    if (hasPreviousPage)
        return html.RouteLink("<<<", "Users", new { page=(PageIndex-1) });

All of the HtmlHelpers contained within Mvc are static methods and also they return an MvcHtmlString in Asp.net MVC 2. This will be an extension method for the class HtmlHelper. After adding those references 到 your code file that contains this extension methods you should see the RouteLink method inside of there.





public MvcHtmlString NavLinks(HtmlHelper html)
    if (HasPreviousPage)
        return html.RouteLink("<<<", "Users", new { page=(PageIndex-1) });
    if (HasNextPage)
        return html.RouteLink(">>>", "Users", new { page=(PageIndex+1) });
    return null;






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