English 中文(简体)
原标题:Do I need to flush the servlet outputstream?



protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
   throws ServletException, IOException {
   byte[] response = getResponse();
   String responseType = getResponseType();

   response.getOutputStream().flush(); // yes/no/why?


另请参见Servlet 3.1规范

5.6 Closure of Response Object

When a response is closed, the container must immediately flush all remaining content in the response buffer to the client. The following events indicate that the servlet has satisfied the request and that the response object is to be closed:

  • The termination of the service method of the servlet.
  • The amount of content specified in the setContentLength or setContentLengthLong method of the response has been greater than zero and has been written to the response.
  • The sendError method is called.
  • The sendRedirect method is called.
  • The complete method on AsyncContext is called.




为了指出“不需要刷新”规则的一个潜在异常:使用IBM WebSphere Application Server并使用响应Writer(而不是OutputStream),我发现我必须刷新它;否则,我的响应数据的最后一部分就丢失了。我认为IBM的HttpServlet响应类确实刷新了OutputStream,但为Writer使用了一个单独的缓冲区,并且没有刷新它。其他应用程序服务器似乎也这样做了。



  extended byjava.io.Writer
      extended byjavax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter

public abstract void close()
                    throws IOException
Close the stream, flushing it first. 
This method needs not be invoked explicitly for the initial JspWriter as the code generated by the JSP container will automatically include a call to close(). 

Closing a previously-closed stream, unlike flush(), has no effect. 

IOException - If an I/O error occurs


So, DO NOT close the output stream explicitly.

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