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原标题:How to get MATLAB to display the index of the minimum value in a 2D array?
  • 时间:2011-02-22 10:08:05
  •  标签:
  • matlab

I m试图在MATLAB中写一个字,找到2D阵列最低值的位置。 我确信,这一阵列中只有1个最低点,因此,在阵列中具有相同最低价值的多个地点不是一个问题。 我可以找到阵列的最低,但在30x30阵列中,我想知道最低值是哪一行和一栏。



>> a=magic(30);
>> [r,c]=find(a==min(min(a)))

r =
c =


>> a=magic(30);
>> locn=(a==min(min(a)));


>> x = randi(5, 5)

x =

     5     4     4     2     4
     4     2     4     5     5
     3     1     3     4     3
     3     4     2     5     1
     2     4     5     3     5

>> [value, index] = min(reshape(x, numel(x), 1));
>> [i,j] = ind2sub(size(x), index)

i =


j =


参看min功能。 它可以退还最低值和指数。 就两个层面而言,仅将其称为两倍。

A = rand(30); % some matrix
[minColVal, minColIdx] = min(A);
[minRowVal, minRowIdx] = min(minColVal);

minVal = minRowVal;
minValIdx = [minColIdx(minRowIdx), minRowIdx];

Edit: @b3 解决办法在计算上可能比较少临时空间的用户要多。

To find min or max in a subset of a vector - If A is a vector and "lowerBound" and "upperBound" are the bounds of the vector among which you need to find the max (or min) value, then use this command -


This returns "Value" as the min or max value among A(lowerBound) and A(uppedBound) and "Index" as with "lowerBound" as the offset. So to find the absolute index, you need to add "lowerBound" to the Index.


    >> min_index = @(matrix) find(matrix == min(reshape(matrix, [1,numel(matrix)])));

    >> a=magic(30);
    >> [r,c]=min_index(a)

    r =

    c =

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