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原标题:upload image problem at codeigniter

Hello frind 我想在两个不同地点上上载两幅图像,但在同一地点仍收到传票。 请帮助

//upload images
        //some $config vars for image
        $config[ upload_path ] =  ./images/articles ;
        $config[ allowed_types ] =  gif|jpg|jpeg|png|mp3|wav ;
        $config[ max_size ] =  0 ;
        $config[ remove_spaces ] = true;
        $config[ overwrite ] = false;
        $config[ max_width ] =  0 ;
        $config[ max_height ] =  0 ;

        $this->load->library( upload , $config);

        //upload main image
        if(!$this->upload->do_upload( a_image )){
            $e = $this->upload->display_errors();

        $image = $this->upload->data();
        if($image[ file_name ]){
            $data[ a_image ] = "images/articles/". $image[ file_name ];


        //now upload thumb
        //some $config vars for thumb
        $config[ upload_path ] =  ./images/articles/thumb ;
        $config[ allowed_types ] =  gif|jpg|jpeg|png|mp3|wav ;
        $config[ max_size ] =  0 ;
        $config[ remove_spaces ] = true;
        $config[ overwrite ] = false;
        $config[ max_width ] =  0 ;
        $config[ max_height ] =  0 ;    
        $this->load->library( upload , $config);

        //upload thumbnail
            if(!$this->upload->do_upload( a_thumbnail )){




$this->load->library( upload , $config);




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