我很难与女同性恋者打交道。 我基本上想听取各种描述,将它们合并为一个更大的描述者,也许将其归入一个RBuf。 此外,每类方案运行的长度都会改变数据,下文是我与我一起玩.但无法建造的kel子代码。
HBufC8 * aVar = someObj.aVarData();
HBufC * anotherVar = someObj.anotherVarData();
HBuf8 * someVar = someObj.someVarData();
//Perform some operation to convert the descriptors to the same type and add them to a RBuf;
RBuf toLog;
toLog.CreateL( _L("Info to Log"));
toLog.Append( aVar );
toLog.Append( anotherVar );
toLog.Append( someVar );
I have not been able to correclty figure out how to convert and add the descriptors to the buffer, as you can see from the comment. Thanks in advance.