English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to manage multiple tables with the same structure (redux)



然而,由于VB的弹性性质,解决办法确实没有奏效。 具体来说,由于VB,它不工作。 该网络要求明确宣布在接口中采用每一种方法/财产。


  • I have many lookup/domain tables in the database that all have the same structure
  • The items in these tables are typically used for drop downs in the interface
  • I would like to avoid a bunch of boilerplate repository methods to retrieve the contents of these tables (one method per table really sucks when you have 40 tables)
  • I am not using the One True Lookup Table anti-pattern and this is not an option




Public Function GetDomainTableList(tableName As String) As IEnumerable(Of Object)

    Dim table = CType(GetType(FECEntities).GetProperty(tableName).GetValue(DB, Nothing), IEnumerable(Of Object))

    Dim dt = From r In table
             Select r

    Return dt.ToList()

End Function

我原先曾认为,由于我试图将每一物体重新编为<代码>,这对我们来说是徒劳的。 项目类别,我已撰写。 但当时我认识到,<代码>SelectList 施工者没有真正地关注其使用的物体类型。 你只是通过载有财产名称的“努力”,并利用反思来收回价值。



Generic Repository should work in this case. There are many available online or you can write a simpler one for just the lookup tables.

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