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j 相当于XMLHttpRequest上载的钱?
原标题:jQuery equivalent to XMLHttpRequest s upload?

这里是我为解决这一问题而做的。 拨号为Jajax()的电话使XHR得以启动。 我在提出要求之前就提出,提出,然后提出结束,以便在需要时退款。 如果他们只是通过支取而来,就会变得更容易,但他们却不这样做。

var reader = new FileReader();

reader.onloadend = function (e) {
    var xhr, provider;

    xhr = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr();
    if (xhr.upload) {
        xhr.upload.addEventListener( progress , function (e) {
            // ...
        }, false);
    provider = function () {
        return xhr;

    // Leave only the actual base64 component of the  URL 
    // Sending as binary ends up mangling the data somehow
    // base64_decode() on the PHP side will return the valid file.
    var data = e.target.result;
    data = data.substr(data.indexOf( base64 ) + 7); 

        type:  POST ,
        url:  http://example.com/upload.php ,
        xhr: provider,
        dataType:  json ,
        success: function (data) {
            // ...
        error: function () {
            // ...
        data: {
            name: file.name,
            size: file.size,
            type: file.type,
            data: data,

The documentation for the jqXHR (the superset of the XMLHttpRequest that is returned from jQuery s .ajax() call) does not describe the update feature as being exposed, which does not mean it isn t exposed. This question, though, seems to indicate that upload is not exposed. The answer provides a way to get to the native XMLHttpRequest object.

在j Query 1.5之前的版本中,XMLHttpRequest物体直接暴露,因此,你可以查阅浏览浏览器所支持的任何特征:

http://www.google.com/search?q=jquery+html+5+file+upload&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US: Official&client=firefox-a” rel=“nofollow noretinger”>jquery html 5 file upload ,该字标/使用超文本5文档APIC进行多份文档上载,但这一图形目前并未在IEC中运行。 如果你不希望使用超文本5,而现在确实希望得到交叉浏览器的支持,那么,在 j金矿场,你可以找到其他gin子。

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