English 中文(简体)
javascript - how to scroll page smothly untiluser reless mouse button
原标题:javascript - how to scroll page smothly until user relese mouse button

Shor question - page open on pc with not-so-good cell- Screen show. 我制造了两条大arrow,并知道如何利用联合材料/财富来规划。

First try: onClick->scroll - it works but user must tap many times to scroll article. Second:

     var scrolling = false;
  $(this).css("opacity", 0.3);  
  scrolling = false;

  $(this).css("opacity", 1);

  scrolling = true;
  while(scrolling) {   
   $( html, body ).stop().animate({ scrollTop: 50 }, 500);


Doesnt work ;) I`m trying to simulate real browser scroll arrows - until you keep preesed mouse button page scrolls down (or up).


你的上述法典并不奏效,因为 Java文没有多读。 这就是说,你在食食宿时,可能阻止其他法典的操作(即假肢活动)。

我这样做太长了。 请自由检查我的博客职位。

而且,不确保你不这样做,而是确保你把 Java的所有成文法放在 j(Qu)的现成功能上;否则, j可能找不到“ #”。


var scrollTimer;
function scrollContent(amt)
    scrollTimer = window.setTimeout("scrollContent(" + amt + ")", 25);
$(document).ready(function ()
    $("#content").css("overflow", "hidden");
    $("#scrollUp").mousedown(function() {
        window.clearTimeout(scrollTimer); //Not necessary, but just to be sure...
        $("#scrollUp").animate({"opacity": 100},  fast );
    $("#scrollUp").mouseup(function() {
        $("#scrollUp").animate({"opacity": 0},  fast );
    $("#scrollDown").mousedown(function() {
        window.clearTimeout(scrollTimer); //Not necessary, but just to be sure...
        $("#scrollDown").animate({"opacity": 100},  fast );
    $("#scrollDown").mouseup(function() {
        $("#scrollDown").animate({"opacity": 0},  fast );
    //$("#scrollUp").css("opacity", 0); //Alternative
    $("#scrollUp").animate({"opacity": 0},  slow );
    $("#scrollDown").animate({"opacity": 0},  slow );

...and the link: http://blake-miner.blogspot.com/2010/08/javascript-sticky-footer-and-scroll.html



     var scrollId = 0;

  $(this).css("opacity", 0.3);

  $(this).css("opacity", 1);
  var scroll = function() { $("html, body").stop().animate({ scrollTop: "-=10px" }, 15); }
  scrollId = setInterval(scroll, 15);          

  $(this).css("opacity", 0.3);

  $(this).css("opacity", 1);
  var scroll = function() { $("html, body").stop().animate({ scrollTop: "+=10px" }, 15); }
  scrollId = setInterval(scroll, 15);          


b 前。 是否有任何材料涉及在北草坪修建的Kiosk(FF的1.x版本没有过期)和FF(除了为FF寻找安全插图外,我没有问题)。

<div style="position:fixed">
<a href="javascript://" onmousedown="scrollAs(1);" onmouseup="scrollAs(2);">Up</a>
<a href="javascript://" onmousedown="scrollAs(3);" onmouseup="scrollAs(2);">Down</a>

var scrollValue = 2;
function scrollAs(value) {
  if(value) scrollValue = value;
  document.body.scrollTop += (scrollValue - 2)*10;
  if(scrollValue != 2) setTimeout(scrollAs, 100);

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