English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why won t this dynamically-generated <div> display?

Okay, so on my website I have a slider thingy, where it um "slides" between things, and on the homepage, when the page loads it checks the database to see if Column discounts has a value of 1 (or greater than 0, to be precise), which means that if($discounts>0){//do something;} so, if the value inside the discount column is greater than 0, it will (SHOULD) display a dynamically created DIV saying something like "Yay we have discounts" etc.

但是,它赢得了 t! 这只显示2个幻灯片。 但是,非洲开发银行的价值定在1,因此它应当显示第3次滑坡!


if($ddiscount >0)
    $outputsy =  <div class="ambitios_slide">

                     <div class="clear"> 

                         <h1 class="ambitios_fleft"> .$dimage. </h1>

                         <div class="ambitios_sleder_title"> .$dtitle. </div>

                         <p> .$ddescription. </p>


                  </div> ;
     $outputsy = null;


<?php if($outputsy != null) {echo $outputsy;} ?>

没有警告,没有错误。 网页的负荷是罚款的。 它从来就从未展示出充满活力的四国集团! 谁能帮助我看一看什么错了?




载于else 部分,尝试制定$outputsy,用于某些随机扼杀,看看是否产生产出。

并尝试使用<代码>var_dump($ddiscount);,并看到$ddiscount的实际价值是什么。 如果这个问题与预期的无关,那么这个问题可能在本法典前出现。



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