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原标题:Toggling elements with JavaScript

I want to toggle a div element (expand/collapse) when clicked. I have many div elements, on click to new element, I want to collapse the previous one and expand the current clicked one.

I tried using static type variable to save the instance of previous div tag and compared with the current selection, but I don t know why is it not working.


是否能够利用静 of的静态变量来做到这一点?


At its simplest, you can simply do something like this:

var divs = document.getElementsByTagName( div ),
    collapseClass =  collapsed ,
    current = divs[0];

// Hide all elements except first, add click event hander
for(var i = 0, len = divs.length; i < len; i++){
    divs[i].onclick = function(){
        if(this !== current){
            toggle(this, current);
            current = this;

    if(i > 0) toggle(divs[i]);

这将将现有要素储存在一个变数中,然后在另一个要素被点击时加以分析。 它还使用if 说明,以核实目前被点击的元件是否是目前可见的元件,而如果是,则只列.。

See a working demo of this here: http://jsfiddle.net/GaxvM/


你们可以给每个要素指定一个独一无二的身份证,并使用文件。 抵达 内容 a 先查明这两个因素,然后倒塌。


function colexp(div_id){
     div_2_collapse = document.getElementById(div_id);
     next_div = div_id.substr(0,3) + parseInt(div_id.substr(3))+1;
     div_2_expand = document.getElementById(next_div);

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