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原标题:Apply multiple CSS3 Background-Image from multiple statements


#brands > ul > li:nth-child(odd) {
    background-image: url(img/logo/divide.jpg) no-repeat left center, url(img/logo/divide.jpg) no-repeat right center;

#brands .name {
    background:url(img/logo/name.jpg) no-repeat center;

然而,第二项声明推翻了第一项。 是否只有安保部能够这样做?



background-image: url(img/logo/divide.jpg) no-repeat left center, url(img/logo/divide.jpg) no-repeat right center;

你们需要使用短程<条码>背后<>条码>,而不是<条码>背后地-image<>条码”,因为你正在对其他价值以及图像加以说明。 您的第二项规则似乎凌驾于第一位,其原因是第一项规则无效,因此实际上完全忽视了。

你(作为Groovetrain 说)必须加上另一项规则,将这两条结合起来,但我 have先拖了多个背景,所以我可以说,一个人如何战胜另一个背景。


You may have to include an additional rule to account for the name class being applied. Like this:

#brands > ul > li:nth-child(odd) {
  background-image: url(img/logo/divide.jpg) no-repeat left center, url(img/logo/divide.jpg) no-repeat right center;

#brands .name {
  background:url(img/logo/name.jpg) no-repeat center;

/* This one has all three bg images */
#brands > ul > li.name:nth-child(odd) {
  background: url(img/logo/divide.jpg) no-repeat left center, url(img/logo/divide.jpg) no-repeat right center, url(img/logo/name.jpg) no-repeat center;

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