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Render ASP.NET MVC string to View without HttpContext or ChiefContext?
原标题:Render ASP.NET MVC string to View without HttpContext or ControllerContext?

I need to render an ASP.NET MVC view to a string so as to be able to send it via an email (it is an order confirmation email defined in an .ascx file ).

我成功地使协会成为协会。 NET MVC 采用这种方法的观点。

然而,现在我需要能够通过一个世界合作框架服务(通过银灯获得)来做到这一点,因此,我没有一名主计长。 妇联的这一服务包含在与我的MVC项目相同的项目中,以便接触到我的所有模式等。

I ve looked at several questions on Stackoverflow about this issue, but they all seem to need a controller context. I thought there was something in mvccontrib but it doesn t seem to be there anymore.


我可能想像一些幕后的人为伙伴关系工作。 NET MVC 2与“性别行动”有关,现在可能有助于实现这一目标?


You need to create a fake HttpContextBase with a fake HttpRequestBase that return meaningful values from their properties.

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