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C++ 问题——谁能帮助?
原标题:C++ Question - Can anyone help?

你会想帮助我解决以下问题吗? 感谢。

Question: The percentage of rolling 3 dices of face 6 in one go can be found out mathematically or simulation. The Monte Carlo method is a computer process to find out the solution of a problem by computer simulation. Write a program that roll three dices, calculate their sum, and find out the probability of rolling each possible outcome.

You are given a skeleton program q1dskeleton.c that generates the statistics of rolling a dice of six sides 10000 times. Modify the program so that it generates the statistics of the sum of rolling three six-sided dices. An example of the program output is given in the following. Note that because of the random nature of dice rolling.

Hint: Call rand() 每 throw一次,每 d一次。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#define SIZE 7

int main() {

  int face, roll, frequency[SIZE] = { 0 };

  srand( time(NULL) );

  for (roll = 1; roll <= 10000; roll++) {
    face = rand() % 6 + 1;
", "Face", "Frequency");

  for (face = 1; face <= SIZE - 1; face++)
", face, frequency[face]);


Face Frequency
3     49
4     129
5     276
6     481
7     669
8     994
9     1131
10    1213
11    1269
12    1197
13    962
14    707
15    464
16    268
17    144
18    47

Also, when calculating rand() you need to realize it is not all that random as we hope.

From the documentation at: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstdlib/rand/ "Notice though that this modulo operation does not generate a truly uniformly distributed random number in the span (since in most cases lower numbers are slightly more likely), but it is generally a good approximation for short spans."


For instance, for dice one you get a random number between 30 and 90 and the formula is (int)(((float)result - 30) / 10) + 0.5 or something along those lines.


To make your homework assignment more interesting you could have a look at how different online casinos/poker rooms do this. http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/random-number-generator


显然,你必须增加<条码>SIZE,因为不再有6种可能性,但18种-Ill 包括不可能达到的总数1和2种,因为你的原始解决办法包括不可能达到的零值。

然后,你不要扔ice一个ice子,而是扔下了 3<>m>,然后添加了价值。 类似(假体编码):

dice1 = first random number
dice2 = second random number
dice3 = third random number
face = dice1 plus dice2 plus dice3


就奖金点而言,你可能避免印刷不可能的结果。 这非常简单地修改了您的最后<代码>(>说明的起始点。


Face   Frequency
   3          46
   4         138
   5         277
   6         462
   7         694
   8         972
   9        1157
  10        1250
  11        1250
  12        1157
  13         972
  14         694
  15         462
  16         277
  17         138
  18          46

(even though that only adds up to 9992 samples - it s a crapshoot as to where the other eight show up).

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