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原标题:How to propagate Spring transaction to another thread?


我愿用Spring Batch underneath执行职务。 工作通过预设的<条码>AsyncTaskExecutor在单独的校对进行。 在我的单位试验中,我要:

  1. Create few domain objects and persist them via DAO
  2. Invoke the service method to launch the job
  3. Wait until the job is completed
  4. Use DAO to retrieve domain objects and check their state



  • Commit the transaction#1 after step (1). Is not good, as the DB state should be rolled back after the unit test.
  • Use Isolation.READ_UNCOMMITTED in job configuration. But this requires two different configurations for test and for production.


任务执行者组合可移至单独的春季配置Xml文档。 有两个版本:一个是试验期间使用的SyncTaskExecutor,另一个是供生产使用的AsyncTaskExecutor。



But I agree that using the same policy production uses is best. How vast is your fixture data, and how bad would it be to have a setUp() step that blew away and rebuilt your data (maybe from a snapshot, if it s a lot of data) so that you don t have to rely on rollbacks?

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