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Unexpected MongoDB "OR" query behaviour

I m testing out spring-data and it s mongodb support.

I have a question about the query creation when using or-queries. Consider the following:

Query query = new Query().or(new Query(where("receiverId").is(userId)), new Query(where("requesterId").is(userId)));

This will result in the following mongodb query:

 "$or" : [ { "receiverId" : { "$oid" : "4d78696025d0d46b42d9c579"}} , { "requesterId" : { "$oid" : "4d78696025d0d46b42d9c579"}}] , "status" : "REQUESTED"}

This returns zero results while one is expected. Running this query in mongodb command results in following error:

error: { "$err" : "invalid operator: $oid", "code" : 10068 }

Modifying the query and running it in mongodb command works fine:

{ "$or" : [ { "receiverId" : ObjectId("4d78696025d0d46b42d9c579")} , { "requesterId" : ObjectId("4d78696025d0d46b42d9c579")}] , "status" : "REQUESTED"}

Notice the use of ObjectId("...") instead of $oid.

Am I going about something the wrong way? Maybe setting up the query wrong?


Are you inspecting that query variable at runtime or is that what you are seeing in MongoDB s logs?

Int he C# driver, if you inspect the query variable, you see $oid as well, but that is not the actual query that is sent to the server. At some point, it changes that to a valid MongoDB query.

If you are running on linux, you may want to start up mongosniff which will show you realtime queries, updates and inserts as they happen. If you are on Windows, you should start up mongod.exe with -vvvv flag which will enable it to log every query, update, insert, or command to the log file.

Then you can actually see the exact query that is being submitted.



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