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Spring MVC 2. 不按请求使用的目标进行注射
原标题:Spring MVC Dependency Injection not working in object called from within RequestMappingController


@Resource(name = "savedsearchesService")
        private SavedSearchesService savedsearchesService;

我获得一个无名例外。 我不得不通过<代码>SavedSearches Service Savesearchesservice,从我的控制器法到其他外部方法,以便使其得以工作。

I m wondering if anyone can point out why it is this way as I am curious and if there is something I am missing as far as how to do this properly. Thanks

public class MainController {

    @Resource(name = "savedsearchesService")
    private SavedSearchesService savedsearchesService;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String getPersons(Model model, HttpServletRequest request)
            throws IOException {

        HttpSession session = request.getSession();

        SomeExternalClass someExternalClass = new SomeExternalClass ();



public class SomeExternalClass {

    @Resource(name = "savedsearchesService")
    private SavedSearchesService savedsearchesService;

    public void Main () {



SomeExternalClass someExternalClass = new SomeExternalClass();


有一些替代方案。 提一下:

  • Inject SomeExternalClass into You controller.

  • 创立一个含有即时逻辑的春季-生态工厂(例如apptext.getBean()



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